

词汇 commit
释义 com.mit[kə`mɪt; kəˈmit]《源自拉丁文“配合, 委托”的意思》(com.mit.ted; commit.ting)
1 委托
a. 把< 人> 交给 [监狱、精神病院等] [to]
The man was ~ted to prison.那男人被送进监牢
b. 把< 人、物> 交付 [处置、记录、记忆等] [to]
~ a poem to memory背诗
~ one's observations to writing [print]把感想写[印]下来
~ one's writings to the fire [flames]把著作烧掉
The boy was committed to the care of his aunt.那男孩子被交给他姑姑照顾
c. (为审议而) 把< 议案> 交付委员会
2 承担, 承诺, 约定, 献身, 表明[~ oneself]
a. (在责任上) 承担 [某特定的职责、义务] ; [对…]许下承诺[to]
I committed myself to the discretion of the committee.我听从委员会的处理
I have committed myself to sitting on two committees.我已答应担任两个委员会的委员
b. 约定< 做某事>
She has committed herself to go at once.她已答应立刻就去
c. [在…方面]受制于[in]
I don't want to ~ myself in that matter.我不想受那件事的约束
d. 献身于 [专心致力于, 倾心于] […][to]
He committed himself to socialism.他倾心 [热中] 于社会主义
e. [对于牵涉的问题等] 表明自己的立场[态度][on]
He refused to ~ himself on the subject.关于那个问题, 他拒绝表明自己的态度
3 犯 < 罪、过错等>
~ a crime犯罪
~ (a) murder犯杀人罪
~ suicide自杀
~ an error犯错
4 危害, 损及 < 名声、体面>




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