

词汇 which
释义 which[hwɪtʃ, wɪtʃ; witʃ, hwitʃ]代名词A
(疑问代名词) 哪一边, 哪一个, 哪一个人, 哪些
(cf. what A1)a.
W~ of the two is the prettier ?.她们两人中, 哪个比较漂亮 ?
W~ of the two cars drives better ?.那两部车子中, 哪一部跑得较快 ?
W~ is taller, he or she ?.哪个比较高, 他还是她 ?
W~ is your father in this photo ?.在这张照片中哪一个是你父亲 ?
W~ (of the flowers) do you like best ? (在这些花中) 你最喜欢那一朵 ?
W~ of the boys were you talking to ?.你在跟哪一个男孩子说话 ?
Say ~ you would like best.说说看你最想要哪一个 ?
Tell me ~ to do.告诉我该做哪件事
1 [限定用法] 所…的 (事, 物)
The river ~ flows through London is called the Thames.流过伦敦的河流叫做泰晤士河
b. [所有格时用 of which]
We found the car of ~ the suspect is the owner.= We found the car the owner of ~ is the suspect.我们发现了车主就是嫌疑犯 [嫌疑犯是车主] 的那部车
This is the book(~)I have chosen.这就是我所挑选的书
The picture for ~ you are looking is in this drawer.你在找的照片放在这个抽屉里
d. 可… (的事、物)
He has no support upon ~ to depend.他没有可依靠的支持, 无依无靠
e. [It is﹍which 的强调构句] …的是…
It is the regulations ~ have to be modified.非修改不可的是规则
2 [非限定用法; 通常前面加逗点]
a. 而那是; 但那是
I began to read the book, ~ was very difficult to me.我开始读那本书, 但它对我来说太难了
This dictionary, ~ I bought three years ago, is very useful.我三年前买的这本字典非常有用
The new contract, about ~ you may have read in the papers, is very favorable to us.新契约想必你在报上看到了它, 对我们非常有利
He said he saw me there, ~ was a lie.他说他在那里看到我, 那是谎话
He looked like a soldier, ~ indeed he was.他看起来像军人, 事实上他就是 (军人)
c. [关系词子句在主要子句之前] (文语)…的事
Moreover, ~ the poor man never expected, they had decided in advance to dismiss him.并且, 那个可怜人从未想到的事是他们事前已决定解雇他了
3 [引导名词子句] 任何其中之一 (whichever)
You may take ~ (of the books) you like.你可以拿你喜欢的 (这些书中的) 任何一本
that which﹍
…的那一个 (人, 东西)
" Which book do you mean?" -" That ~ I spoke to you on the phone about." .“你说的是哪一本书 ?”“就是我在电话中向你提到的那一本书”
which is which
哪一个是哪一个; 哪里不同; 要紧的是迭其
The two sisters are so much alike that you cannot tell ~ is ~.那两个姊妹太相像, 所以很难分清哪一个是哪一个
1 哪 (一) 个, 哪些
W~ girl is older ?.哪位小姐较年长呢 ?
2 [间接疑问子句或+to do 的结构]
Say ~ book you prefer.说说看你比较喜欢哪一本书
I could not decide ~ way to take.我无法决定走哪条路好
1 (文语)该 (事, 物)
I said nothing, ~ fact made him angry.我没说话, 这使他生气
He called her by the wrong name, for ~ mistake he apologized immediately.他叫错了她的名字, 为此他立即道歉
2 无论哪个 [些] (whichever)
Take ~ books you want from the bookshelves.你要哪些书就从书架上拿吧




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