

词汇 deny
释义 de.ny[dɪ`naɪ; diˈnai]及物动词
1 否认, 否定
【同义字】 deny 否认对方所说的事 contradict 不但否定对方, 而且以相反的事为正确
a. 否认, 否定; 表示不知道…, 表示与…无关
~ one's guilt否认自己的罪行
He denied familiarity with this book.他表示对这本书不熟
The prisoner denied the charges against him.那名犯人否认对他的控告
b. 否认< 做…>
He denied having done any such thing.他否认做过那种事
c. 否认< …事>
She denied that his statement was true.她说他的陈述是不真实的
It cannot be denied that crime is on the increase.犯罪在增加是不可否认的事
d. 否认…< 为…>
She denied his statement to be true.她否认他的陈述真实
(她说他的陈述是不真实的)(cf. 1c)
2 对< 人等> 拒绝< 要求等> , < 该给的东西> 不给与< 人等> ; [对人等] 拒绝
< 要求等> , < 该给的东西> 不给与[人等][to]
He denies his child nothing. = He denies nothing to his child.他对小孩有求必应
These benefits were denied us. = We were denied these benefits.我们没有得到这些利益
He was denied access to the Queen.他未被准许接近女王
3 [~ oneself]
a. 放弃 < 饮食、快乐等> , 自制, 克己
I've always denied myself for others.我总是为别人而牺牲自己
b. 放弃, 克制 < 饮食、快乐等>
~ oneself nothing不放弃任何享受
He denied himself all luxuries.他克制自己, 不贪图一切奢侈品




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