

词汇 glance
释义 glance[glæns; ɡlɑ:ns]可数名词
1 匆匆的一看, 一瞥, 扫视 [at, into, over etc.]
give [shoot] a person a ~匆匆看某人一眼
cast [throw] a ~ at﹍ 对…投以一瞥
steal a sideways ~ at﹍ 偷偷对…瞟一眼
take a ~ into the mirror朝镜子里看一眼
One ~ at her face told me (that) she was happy.朝她的脸看一眼就知道她是快乐的
【同义字】 glance 匆匆一瞥 glimpse 隐隐约约
2 […的]闪耀, 一闪[of]
3 [刀、子弹、球等] 歪向一旁[of] at a glance一看 (就) , 一见 (就)
I recognized him at a ~.我一看就认出他
1 看一眼…, 一瞥, 扫视
(→look A【同义字】)
I ~d at my wrist watch.我看了一下手表
He ~d down the list.他把清单匆匆地扫视了一下
He ~d over [through] the papers.他扫视了一下文件
The teacher ~d round (the classroom).教师匆匆地环视教室
2 < 东西> 闪一下, 反射光, 闪耀
The moon ~d brightly on the lake.月光在湖面上闪耀
3 略微谈到[…], 影射[at, over]
He only ~d at the topic.他只是略微谈到该话题
1 [~ one's eye] < 眼睛> 朝 (…) 看一下, 浏览
He ~d his eye down the list [over the titles] of the books.他浏览一下书的一览表 [书名]
2 < 刀、子弹等> 碰到…而歪向一旁, 擦 [掠] 过…
The arrow ~d his armor.箭掠过他的盔甲
glance off
(1) < 刀、子弹、球等> 轻触而歪向一边, 掠过, 擦过
The bullet ~d off.那颗子弹掠过去
(2) < 刀、箭等> 轻触…而歪向一边, 掠过…
The bullet ~d off his helmet.那颗子弹掠过他的头盔
(3) < 责备、挖苦等> 不被…了解, 对…不发生作用 [无效]
Reproaches ~ off him. (多次) 谴责对他不生效




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