释义 |
of.fend[ə`fɛnd; əˈfend]《源自拉丁文“打中, 伤害”的意思》及物动词1 触怒, 冒犯< 某人> , 伤害< 某人> 的感情I'm sorry if I've ~ed you.如果我冒犯了你, 我很抱歉I was ~ed with him [by his remark].我对他 [他的话] 生气He is ~ed at being ignored.他因受到冷落而生气He is easily ~ed.他容易生气2 < 事、物> 伤及, 损及 < 感官、正义感等> The noise ~s the ear.那噪音刺耳The yellow building ~s the eye.那幢黄色建筑物很刺眼不及物动词1 a. 犯罪, 犯过错b. 违反 [法律、礼节等] , 犯 [法等] [against]~ against good manners违反礼节; 不守规矩, 没礼貌~ against the law犯法2 伤害别人的感情, 伤感情 |