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one[wʌn, wən; wʌn]《在古英语中与 a, an 为同一字》形容词1 a. 单一的, 一个的, 一人的 (single)~ dollar一元in ~ word总而言之, 总之~ or two days一两天, 极少的天数He is ~ year old [of age].他一岁~ man in ten十人中一人No ~ man can do it.无论是谁, 一个人是做不来的~ man ~ vote一人一票 (制)b. 一…~ thousand (and) ~ hundred一千一百c. 一岁的He is ~.他一岁2 a. 某…~ day [night] (过去或未来的) 某日[晚]~ summer night一个 [某] 夏天的夜晚O~ day in May, she met a young man.五月里的某一天, 她遇见一位年轻人b. 一个名叫…的人~ Smith一个名叫史密斯的人3 一方的, 一面的To know a language is ~ thing, to teach it is another.懂得一种语言是一回事, 教这种语言是另一回事If A said ~ thing, B was sure to say another.如果 A 说一件事, B 一定说另一件事(无论 A 说什么, B 一定反对)He is so careless that your advice seems to go in (at) ~ ear and out (at) the other.他是那样粗心大意, 他把你的忠告当作耳边风Some say ~ thing, some another.有人这样说, 有人那样说(the) ~ (the other)一个…, 另一个…4 [the ~, one's ~]唯一的 (the only)the ~ way to do it做那件事的唯一方法my ~ and only hope我唯一的希望 [得救的唯一办法]5 a. 相同的, 同一的 (the same)in ~ direction同一方向We are of ~ age.我们同年龄b. [all ~] 完全相同的, 都一样的It is all ~ to me.那对我都是一样6 a. 一体的, 一致的with ~ voice异口同声地We are all of ~ mind.我们都是一条心b. 一致的[with]He is ~ with me.他和我想法一致7(美口语)特别, 非常She is ~ beautiful girl.她是个非常美的女孩子■ become [be made] one成为一体, 结为夫妻■ for one thing → thing■ one and only → only形容词■ one and the same同一的~ and the same thing同一物[事]名词1 a. (U) [有时为(C); 常无冠词] (基数的) 一; 一个, 一人O~ and ~ make(s) two.一加一等于二~ third三分之一Book [Chapter] O第一卷 [章]~ and twenty=twenty-one二十一~ or two一两个~ at a time一次一人 [一个]b. (C)1 的数字 [记号](1, i, I)Your 1's are too like 7's.你的 1 太像 7 了2 a. (U)一点 (钟) ; 一岁at ~在一点 (钟)at ~ and thirty在三十一岁时b. (C)一美元 [英镑] 纸币3 (U)(口语)一击, 一拳; 一杯give a person ~ in the eye在某人眼睛上打一拳→ a NASTY one.■ all in one(1) 一致(2) 以一件 [一人] 兼备一切; 合在一起, 合为一体■ at one一致[同意][with]■ be[get]one up on a person比别人抢先一步; 胜人一筹■ by ones一个一个地■ by ones and twos三三两两地■ for one举一个例; 就个人而言; 算作一个I, for ~, don't like it.我个人也不喜欢它(拿我来说, 我就不喜欢它)He, for ~, doesn't believe it.就他来说, 他就不相信它■ in one(1) =all in ONE (2)(2)(口语)仅凭一次的尝试■ in ones and twos = by ONES and twos■ number one → number■ one after one = ONE by one■ one and all → all代名词■ one by one一个一个地, 逐一地, 陆续地The crow dropped stones ~ by ~ into the jar.乌鸦把石头一个个地丢入大口瓶中■ ten to one → ten代名词1 [用单数]a. [特定的人[物]中之] 一, 一个, 一人[of]We treated him as ~ of our family.我们待他如家里的一分子O~ of them lost his ticket.他们中有个人遗失车票b. 一边 (的东西) , 一方They are so much alike that we cannot tell (the) ~ from the other.他们如此相像所以我们无法加以辨别O~ went one way and the other (went) another (两人中) 一个人走其中一条路, 另一个人走另一条路(两人分道扬镳)O~'s as good as [much like] another. (两者中的) 一个和另一个一样好 [很相似]2 (pl. ~s)a. (C) (特定的) 人; 物dear [sweet, loved] ~s可爱的孩子们the young [little] ~s孩子们; 小鸡such a ~那样的人any ~任何人a right ~(英口语)傻瓜many a ~许多的人b. [a ~; 表示惊讶] (口语)怪人, 有趣的人You are a ~ to do such a thing!.你做这种事, 真是怪人!c. [the O~] 超自然的存在, 神the Holy O~ = the O~ above神the Evil O~魔鬼3 (文语) (非特定的) 人behave like ~ mad [dead]举止如疯子 [死人]O~ who goes to France never fails to visit Paris.去法国的人必定会游览巴黎4 a. [总称“人”; 无复数] (一般的) 人, 世人, 任何人O~ must obey one's [his] parents.一个人必须服从父母b. [做作的说法] 自己, 本人 (I, me)It was in 1982, if ~ remembers rightly.如果我没记错的话, 那是 1982 年的事5(pl. ~s)a. [为避免重复前面已出现的可数名词] 该物, 该同类之物 (cf.that A pron. 2a, none pron. 2a)I don't have a pen. Can yon lend me ~?.我没有笔, 你能借我一支吗?Give me a good ~ [some good ~s].给我一个好的 [一些好的]His tone was ~ of sorrow.他的语调是悲伤的 (语调)b. (特定或非特定的) 人; 物Will you show me this ~ ?.这个给我看看好吗 ?Which ~ do you prefer?.你比较喜欢哪一个?Give me the ~ there.给我在那里的那个He is the ~ I mean.他就是我说的那个人Are these the ~s you were looking for ?.这些就是你在寻找的东西吗?6→ anyone, everyone, no one, someone.■ one after another(1) (不定数的东西) 一个接一个地, 陆陆续续地I saw cars go past [by] ~ after another.我看见汽车一辆接一辆地开过去(2) = one after the other (2)■ one after the other(1) (关于两人或二物) 交互地(2) (特定数的东西) 依次地The cars arrived ~ after the other.那些汽车依次开到(3) = one after an other (1)■ one another互相(cf. EACH other)The girls are talking seriously to ~ another.那些女孩子一本正经地在交谈Elements frequently combine with ~ another.元素常常互相结合They glanced anxiously at ~ another's faces.他们不安地面面相觑■ one of those things → thing■ one﹍ the other (两者中) 一个…另一个 (→ other pron. 2 a)■ one with another平均, 一般, 大体上■ the one﹍ the other前者…后者 |