释义 |
tum.ble[`tʌmbl; ˈtʌmbl]不及物动词1 a. 跌倒, 摔倒; 跌落In her hurry she ~d over.她在匆忙中跌倒~ over the roots of a tree被树根绊倒~ down the stairs从楼梯上跌下~ off a horse [bicycle]自马 [自行车] 上摔下b. < 建筑物等> 塌下, 倒塌, 崩塌< down> The old building seemed about to ~ down.那栋老楼房似乎即将倒塌2 a. 滚动, 辗转反侧toss and ~ in bed在床上辗转反侧kittens tumbling about on the floor在地板上到处打滚的小猫b. 仓皇地来[去]; 急急忙忙地行动; 滚入, 钻入; 飞滚似地冲出She came tumbling along.她仓皇而来He ~d into [out of] bed.他急忙地上[下]了床3 翻觔斗4 (口语)忽然注意到, 突然想起; 领悟[to]He finally ~d to what she was doing.他终于察觉到她在做什么5< 价格> 突然下跌及物动词1 弄倒, 翻倒; 摔倒; 扔, 抛~ a person on the floor把某人摔倒在地板上All the passengers were ~d out (of the car).所有的乘客都被抛出 (车外)2 a. 乱扔; 弄乱, 使…紊乱Don't ~ your underclothes.不要乱扔内衣b. 将…乱塞[进…][into]He ~d his clothes helterskelter into his suitcase.他手忙脚乱地把衣服塞入手提箱里名词1 (C)a. 跌落, 翻倒have [take] a ~跌倒b. 翻觔斗, 打滚 (等特技)2 [a ~]混乱be all in a ~一切都很混乱■ give[get]a tumble(口语)表示 [受到] 好意[关心] |