

词汇 do
释义 do[(轻读)(在子音前)də; də, (在母音前)dʊ; du; (重读)du; du:]助动词(did[dd; did]; 第三人称、单数、直说法、现在式 does[ (轻读) dz; dz; (重读) dz; dz])
1 a.
I ~ not see.我不懂
I did not [didn't] know.我 (那时) 不知道
I don't have a brother.我没有兄弟
Don't go!.别走!
Don't be afraid.不要怕
Do you hear?.你听到没有?
Do you have (any) money?.你身上有钱吗?
Did you strike her?.你殴打她了吗?
When does he leave?.他什么时候动身?
3 [为强调、平衡等而将 (部分) 述语置于句首时]
Never did I see such a fool.我从未见过这样的傻瓜
(cf. I never saw sucha fool.)
Not only did he understand it, but he remembered it.他不仅了解, 而且还把它记住了
Only after weeks of vain effort did the right idea occur to me.经过几星期的平白努力后我才想到一个合适的主意
4 [强调肯定句]
I do think it's a pity.我的确认为 (这件事) 很遗憾
Do tell me.你一定要告诉我
Do be quiet!.务请安静!
I did go, but I didn't see her.我确实去了, 但我没见到她
He doesn't visit me often, but when he does visit me, he stays forhours.他不常来看我, 但是他一来总会待好几小时




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