

词汇 invest
释义 in.vest[ɪn`vɛst; inˈvest]《源自拉丁文“给穿上衣服”的意思》及物动词
1 a. 投资 < 资本、金钱>
I have no money to ~.我没有钱投资
b. 投资 < 资本、金钱> [于…上][in]
He ~ed his money in stocks and bonds.他把他的钱投资在股票和证券上
2 花费 < 时间、精力等> [于…上][in]
~ time and energy in one's study将时间和精力倾注于研究
3 a. 使< 人> 佩戴; 授与< 人> [纪念章、勋章等] [with]
The bishop ~ed the king with the crown.主教给国王戴上王冠
(主教为国王加冕)b. 赋与< 人> [性质、权力等] , 授权给< 某人> [with]
I ~ed my lawyer with complete power to act for me.我授与我的律师全权代理我
He was ~ed with an air of dignity.他有一种威严的神态
4 a. 笼罩, 包围
Darkness began to ~ the earth.黑暗开始笼罩大地
b. ‘军’包围不及物动词
1 a. 投资
b. 投资[于…][in]
~ in stocks投资于股票
2 (口语.谑)购买[in]
~ in a new car买新车




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