

词汇 promise
释义 prom.ise[`prɑmɪs; ˈprɔmis]《源自拉丁文“往前送”的意思》名词
1 (C)
a. 约定, 诺言
make a ~承诺 [许下诺言]
keep [break] one's ~ with [to] Betty [不] 遵守与贝蒂的约定
under ~ of secrecy约定守住秘密
A ~ is a ~.诺言就是诺言
【同义字】 promise 答应做什么事 appointment 为会面而做的约定
b. 约定< 做…> , 承诺
I am under no ~ to keep his secret.我并没承诺守住他的秘密
He broke his ~ to give the book back to me within a week.他并没遵守诺言在一周内把书还给我
c. 约定< …>
I hope you will keep your ~ that the work will be finished before theend of this month.我希望你能遵守诺言, 在本月底前完成这工作
2 (U) [又作 a ~] 前途, 希望, 指望, 可能性[of]
a writer of great ~前途无量的作家
show ~ of future greatness显示前途大有希望
He is full of ~.他大有前途
The weather gave ~ of warmth.天气很可能变暖和
the Land of Promise = Promised Land
1 答应, 约定
a. 答应
He ~d help.他答应帮忙
b. 答应< 某人> < 某事> ; [对某人]答应< 某事> [to]
She ~d me a reward. = She ~d a reward tome.她答应给我报酬
c. 答应< 做…>
He ~d not to tell anyone.他答应不告诉任何人
d. 答应< 某人> < 做…>
I ~d him to be there at one.我答应他在一点钟到那里
e. 答应< 某人> < …>
They ~d (us) that the work should be done before Saturday.他们答应 (我们) 在星期六以前做好这件工作
f. 答应
" I won't tell anyone, " she ~d.“我不会告诉任何人, ”她答道
2 a. 有…的可能性, 可望…, 预示…
A rainbow ~s fair weather.彩虹预示会有好天气
His boyhood did not seem to ~ much.他的少年时代并未预示出他大有前途
b. 可望…, 可能
It ~s to be fine this evening.今晚可望天晴
3 [~ oneself] (暗自地) 期待…
I ~d myself a holiday.我盼望假日
1 承诺, 答应
It is one thing to ~ and another to perform.承诺是一回事, 履行是另一回事
2 有可能性, 可望
The recent rapid progress in medicine ~s well for the future.近来医学长足的进步会给将来带来希望
I promise (you).我敢断言, 确实地, 真正地
I'm tired, I ~ you.我真的累了




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