

词汇 hustle
释义 hus.tle[`hʌsl; ˈhʌsl]及物动词
1 a. 猛推…, 胡乱地推; 推挤进[出]
~ a person out (of the room)把人推挤出 (房间)
The police ~d the tramps into the patrol car.警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中
Stop hustling me.不要推我
b. [~ one's way]挤进, 挤过
~ one's way through a crowded street挤过拥挤的街道
c. 催促 < 人、工作等>
~ a person off to the office赶忙把人送到办公室
2 硬使< 人> [做…][into]
Don't ~ me into buying it [into a decision].不要逼我买它 [作决定]
3 (口语)
a. 欺骗< 人> ; 欺骗< 人> 夺取 [物品、钱财] [for]b. 骗取 < 财物> ; [从人] 骗取 < 财物> [out of]
4 (美俚)强行推销< 物品>
1 a. 推挤[against]
The boys ~d against one another.那些男孩互相挤来挤去
b. 挤进, 挤过[…][through]
I had to ~ through the crowded street.我不得不挤过拥挤的街道
2 赶快
~ off匆忙离去
3 积极地做, 赶忙著做; 奋起
4 (美俚)
a. 以不正当的手段赚钱b. < 妓女> 拉客不可数名词
1 急忙, 推挤; 嘈杂
~ and bustle挤来挤去, 忙乱
2 (口语)精力充沛的活动, 奋发, 振作
3 (美俚)不当的赚钱




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