

词汇 ready
释义 read.y[`rɛdɪ; ˈredi]形容词(read.i.er; -i.est)
1 a. 已预备好的, 准备妥当的
get dinner ~准备晚餐
Are you ~?.准备好了吗?
Lunch is ~.午餐准备好了
b. 已做好[…之]准备的[for]
~ for printing [sea]已做好印刷 [出航] 的准备
get [make] ~ for starting [supper]做好出发的准备 [做好晚餐]
have games ~ for the party为集会安排一些游戏活动
get the children ~ for a swim使孩子们做好游泳的准备
c. (无比较级、最高级)已准备妥[…]的, 随时可以[…]的
I am ~ to go.我随时可以出发
d. (无比较级、最高级)准备妥 [供人] […]的, [人]随时可以[…]的
On the bed I saw a new dress ~ for me to put on.我看到床上已放好一件新衣服供我随时穿
2 a. [对于…]心理有所准备的[for]
I am ~ for death.对于死我心理已有准备
b. 总是 [愿意, 乐意, 情愿] …的 (→ willing 1 a {用法})
He was always ~ to help people in trouble.他总是乐意帮助处于困难之中的人
3 a. (无比较级、最高级)即将…的
A tiger was getting ~ to jump on him.有一只老虎即将向他扑去
b. 易于…的, 倾向…的, 动辄…的 (apt)
He is too ~ to make promises.他太轻易地许下诺言
He is always ~ to apologize.他总是动不动就道歉
4 a. 敏捷的, 迅速的, 即刻的
a ~ writer敏捷的作家, 写文章
[书信] 手下勤快的人
have a ~ pen勤于写作 [写信] , 文笔敏捷
a ~ wit急智
b. 立即做…的, 巧于…的, 快的[at, with]
He is ~ with excuses.他巧于辩解
He is ~ at reckoning.他计算很快
5 即时可有的, 适用的; 就在手边的, 现成的; 简便的; 付现的
the readiest way to do it做这件事的最简便方法
pay ~ money [cash]付现, 以现金买
6(无比较级、最高级)‘军’备妥 hold oneself ready to do ﹍…已摆好架势 [准备好] 去做…
A soldier must hold himself ~ to die at any time.军人必须随时准备捐躯
ready to (one's) hand
→ hand. interj. [用作竞赛开始的口令] (英)就位!
(→ on your MARK (s)
R~, steady, go!.就位, 预备, 跑[砰]!
副词(read.i.er; -i.est)
1 预先, 准备好
The boxes were ~ packed.那些箱子事先已包装好
We bought some food ~ cooked.我们买了一些烹调好的食品
→ ready-made.
2 迅速地
the child that answers readiest答得最快的孩子
[~ oneself](美)做[…的]准备, 准备[for]
He readied himself for a blow.他摆好架势准备殴击
[the ~]
1 准备就绪
2 (口语)现金
at the ready < 枪> 成端枪姿势的
hold a gun at the ~端枪




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