

词汇 weigh
释义 weigh[we; wei]《源自古英语“以车搬运”的意思》及物动词
1 a. 称…的重量, 把…置于秤上
~ a package称小包的重量
~ something in one's hand用手估量某物的重量
b. [~ oneself]量体重
~ oneself on the scale(s)用磅秤量体重
2 a. 斟酌, 衡量
W~ your words.斟酌你说的话 [你用的字句]
I ~ed the claims of the rival candidates.我掂量 [考虑] 对方候选人的主张
b. 把… 加以斟酌比较[against]
They ~ed one plan against the other.他们权衡一个计画与另一个计画的优劣
3 a. 把… (用重量) 加压, 将…压下去< down>
The fruit was so thick that it ~ed down the branches.果实累累以致把树枝压垂了
He was ~ed down with [by] a pile of parcels.他被一堆包裹压得直不起腰
b. < 责任、忧虑等> 压迫< 人> , 使…支持不下去< down>
The trouble ~ed him down.他被烦恼折腾得心情沈重
She was ~ed down with grief.她悲不自胜
4 ‘航海’起< 锚> , 拔< 锚>
→ weigh ANCHOR.不及物动词
1 重量 < 有…> ; 称< 得…>
How much do you ~ ?.你体重多少 ?
I ~ 100 pounds.我体重一百磅
She ~s more than I do.她比我重
This parcel ~s a lot [doesn't ~ much].这个包裹很重 [不太重]
2 a. [常 weigh heavily] [在…方面]具有重要性[in]
His experience ~ed heavily in my decision to hire him.我决定雇他是看重他的经验
b. [对…]具有重要性, 受到[…]重视[with]
Money does not ~ with him.钱对他并不重要
The evidence ~ed with me in judgment.该证据对我下判断具有重大影响
3 成为 [人、心上的] 重担, 压迫[on, upon]
The problem ~ed on [upon] his mind.该问题成为他心上的重担
The debt ~s heavy [heavily] on [upon] his conscience.那笔债务成为他良心上的重担 [使他心事重重]
weigh against﹍
The burden of evidence ~ed against him.该证词的要点对他不利
weigh in
(1) < 拳击手、摔角者、比赛的马等> (在赛前) 接受体重检查 [重达…] [at]
(2) [提出意见、议论等来] 支援, 助阵, 参加议论 [打架] [with] weigh out
(用磅秤) 量出 < 定量>
~ out the required amount of sugar量出需要的糖量
weigh up
(1) 权衡, 斟酌
(2) 评价< 人、物> , 评估; 理解




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