释义 |
stand[stænd; stænd](stood[std; stud])不及物动词1 站立, 站著a. < 人、动物> 站立, 站著You need not ~ if you are tired.如果你疲倦, 不用站著The train was so crowded that I had to ~ all the way to London.火车上非常拥挤以致我不得不一路站到伦敦S~ straight.站直b. 站起, 起立< up> Everyone stood when the band started to play the national anthem.乐队奏起国歌时, 大家都起立Please ~ up.请站起来c. [用…]站立[on]~ on one's head [hands]倒立~ on tiptoe用脚尖站立, 踮著脚尖He tried to ~ on his own feet [legs].他试著用自己的脚站立; 他想自立d. (以某姿势、在某位置) 站立~ aside站开, 避开, 不参加~ apart from﹍ 离开…站立~ away不接近, 离开~ back退后, 退缩→stand clear.e.< 以…状态> 站著~ alone孤立 (著)S~ still while I am taking your photograph.我帮你拍照时站著不要动f. < …地> 站著I stood astonished at the sight.那情景使我瞠目呆立g. 站著< 做…> There she stood waiting for her husband.她站在那里等她的丈夫2 a. < 东西> 直立, 竖著 (放) ; < 树等> 矗立A table stood in the center of the room.一个餐桌摆在房间的中央A tall tree once stood here.这里曾经有一棵大树b. < 东西> 站立[on]The chair will not ~ on three legs.这张椅子三只 (支) 不住My hair stood on end.我的头发 (因恐惧而) 倒竖c. < 东西> [靠…]放著[against]A walking stick was ~ing against the wall.一根拐杖靠在墙上d. < 东西> 位于, 坐落The church ~s on a hill.那座教堂坐落于小山上The building ~s at 34th Street and 5th Avenue.那栋建筑物位于第三十四街和第五大道的交叉口上3 a. 处于< …的状态> The door stood open.那扇门开著This machine is ~ing idle.这部机器闲置著His reputation ~s higher than ever.他的声望比以前更高He ~s ready for anything.他已准备好应付任何事I ~ your friend.我是你的朋友They ~ in need of help.他们正需要帮助I stood to him in a special relation.我和他有特殊的关系b. 处于 < 接受…的状态> I ~ corrected.我接受指正(是我的错误)He stood convicted of treason.他接受叛国罪的宣判c. [在…中]居于 (某席次) ; 受 (某程度的) 评价 [in, among, with]He ~s first in our class.他在我们班上名列第一He ~s well with his boss.他得到老板的喜爱 [好评]He knows how [where] he ~s with his fellows.他知道自己在同伴中的评价如何That film ~s high among the young.年轻人对那部影片有很高的评价4 a. < 物价、得分、寒暑表等> 达到[…][at]The thermometer ~s at 38.℃.寒暑表读数是摄氏三十八度b. (高度) 达…; (价值) 为…He ~s six feet two.他身高六呎二吋Food stood higher than ever.食品价格比从前更贵c. 处于 < …的立场> We ~ to win [lose].我们势将会赢[输]Who ~s to gain by his death?.谁会因他的死亡而得到好处呢?5 a. 保持现状, 有效The rule ~s.该规则仍然有效Let that word ~.让那个字保持现状(那个字不改)b. 继续, 持续< …的状态> ; 维持, 保持 < …期间> This house will ~ at least a hundred years.这栋房子至少可保持一百年This contract will ~ good for another year.这张契约的有效期间还有一年6 a. 站住, 止步" S~ !" cried the guard.卫兵喝道 :“站住!”The train was ~ing at the station.火车正停在那一站S~ and deliver!.(古)站住, 交出钱来!b. (美口语)< 汽车> (在途中) 暂时停车No ~ing.‘告示’禁止途中停车, 禁止停靠c. < 液体> 不流动, 停滞; 积 < 汗水> ; 含, 噙著 < 泪> Tears stood in her eyes.她眼里噙著泪水7[对…]采取赞成的态度, 赞成[for]; 采取[对…的]态度, 反对[against]~ for [against] rearmament赞成[反对]重整军备8(英)登记为[…的]候选人[for]( (美)run)Mr. Smith is ~ing for Parliament.史密斯先生正登记为国会议员的候选人9 ‘航海’< 船> 采取 (某) 航向; (朝某方向) 前进~ out to sea [on the course]< 船> 驶向外海 [不变更航向地前进]及物动词1 a. 使…立著, 使…站立, 把…放在上面~ a thing on its head [up side down]使一件东西倒立, 倒置一件东西~ a bottle on the bar把瓶子放在柜台上The teacher stood the naughty boy in the corner.教师罚那个顽皮男生站在墙角b. 把…[靠…]竖放, 直立[against]~ a ladder against a fence把梯子靠在围墙上2 a. < 人> 忍耐, 忍受I can't ~ this noise any longer.我再也受不了这种噪音She can't ~ cold [fatigue].她受不了寒冷 [疲劳]b. 忍受, 忍耐< 做…> He could not ~ being kept waiting so long. = He could not ~ to be kept waiting so long.等候那样久他受不了c. < 东西> 经得起This coat will not ~ much rain.这件外套经不起雨淋3 a. 迎接, 抵抗 < 攻击等> The soldiers still stood the assault [fire].那些士兵还在迎战 [抵抗炮火]b. 坚持~ one's ground坚持自己的立场4 接受 < 检查、裁判等> It failed to ~ the test.它检查不合格(它未通过检查)~ trial接受审判5 (以站岗或走动) 担任 < 警戒等> 职责~ guard站岗~ watch担任警戒工作6 a. 付< …的> 帐, 请< 某人> ~ a dinner请人吃晚餐b. 替< 某人> 付< …> 的帐, 请< 某人> 吃喝…I will ~ you a drink.我请你喝一杯They were often stood drinks in the canteen.在军中福利社经常有人请他们喝酒7 [~ a chance] 有 < (成功等的) 希望> ~ a good [fair] chance of succeeding颇有成功的希望~ a poor chance of succeeding成功的希望颇少as matters [affairs, things] stand = as it stands按照现状, 照这情形as the case stands由于情形如此, 就因为如此■ stand by(1) 站在旁边(2) 袖手旁观I can't ~ by and see them ill-treated.我不能眼看他们受虐待而袖手旁观(3) (为随时行动而) 待命, 待机(4)‘广播.电视’ (为准备开始播放而) 待机, 等待(5) 帮助, 援助, 支持He always stood by his friends in difficult times.朋友有困难时他总是援助他们(6) 遵守 < 约定等> He stood by his promise.他遵守他的诺言■ stand clear站开, 站远一点S~ clear of the gates.离开大门一点(关门时说的话)■ stand down(1) 退出(把机会让给其他的候选人)(2) 从证人席上退下(3)(英)< 士兵> 解散(4) 使< 士兵> 解散■ Stand easy!→easy adv■ stand for﹍(1) → v.i. 7(2) → v.i. 8(3) 代表, 表示, 象徵; 代替" What does MS. ~ for" -" It ~s for Manuscript." .“MS. 代表什么?”“代表 Manuscript (原稿) ”(4) 为 < 主义、阶级等> 挺身奋斗, 拥护, 支持(5)(口语)忍耐, 容忍, 允许I won't ~ for such rude behavior.我不能容忍如此无礼的举止I wouldn't ~ for being scolded by him.我不能忍受挨他的骂■ stand in代理, 代替[某人][for]■ stand a person in good stead → stead■ stand in with﹍(1) 与…分担一份, 与…分摊 (费用)(2)(美口语)与…相好, 与…很熟■ stand off(1)‘航海’离开 (岸、危险之处等)(2) 不接近, 离开, 站开S~ off!(有危险) 站开!离远一点!(3) 疏远; 不同意(vt adv)(4) 避开 < 讨债者等> ; 打退 < 进攻等> (5)(英)暂时解雇 < 员工> ■ stand on﹍(1) → v.i. 1 c(2) 根据…, 基于…(3) 严守 < 仪式> , 对…一丝不茍, 拘泥; 主张, 坚持~ on ceremony拘礼■ stand out(1) 显目, 突出The skyscraper stood out against the sky.摩天楼衬著天空十分显目A vein stood out on his forehead.一根血管浮现在他的前额(2)< 人、东西> [比其他者] 杰出, 卓越 [from, among]~ out from the others比其他的人杰出(3) (即使在他人屈服后仍然) 奋斗到底[for, against]stand over(1) 监督, 注视(2) 延期The debate will ~ over until next Monday.讨论将延期到下星期一举行■ stand to(2) 就活动岗位; (尤指深夜、天亮前) 对敌人的进攻严阵以待■ stand to reason → reason n■ stand up(1) → v.i.1 b(2)< 东西> 耐久, 经用(3)< 理论等> 站得住脚, 经得起考验, 被接受[认为]正确(vtadv)(4)(口语)对 < 某人 (尤指异性) > 爽约, 让< 某人> 空等Her boyfriend stood her up.她的男友让她白等■ stand up for﹍拥护…, 为…辩护■ stand up to﹍(1) 抵御, 对抗(2)< 东西> 耐用, 经得起…This car will ~ up to all kinds of strain.这部车子经久耐用 [经得起种种考验]■ stand up with﹍(口语) (婚礼时) 做…的傧相 [伴娘]■ stand well with﹍得到…的好感 [喜爱, 青睬]可数名词1 止步, 停止, 停顿bring [put]﹍ to a ~ 使…停止, 使…停顿Business has come to a ~.事业已陷于停顿2 a. (坚决的) 抵抗, 反抗make a ~ for independence为独立而抵抗make a ~ against aggression抵抗侵略b. (留守的) 防御 (线)a goal-line ~端线 [球门线] 防御3 a. (人对问题的明确) 立场, 见解, 态度take a strong ~ against racial discrimination强烈反对种族歧视b. (人所站的) 位置, 场所He took his ~ near the front.他站在靠近前面的地方4 [常构成复合字]…台, …架→ inkstand, washstanda music ~谱架an umbrella ~雨伞架5 a. 摊位, (露天) 摊子, 货摊b. (车站、路旁等的书报) 摊a newspaper ~报摊→ newsstand.6 a. (计程车的) 招呼站b. (公共汽车的) 停车场7[常 ~s] (棒球场、赛马场的) 看台, 观众席8(美) (法庭的) 证人席( (英)witness box)take the ~站在证人台上9 田里生长的作物, (长在地上的) 树木 |