释义 |
wa.ter[`wɔtɚ, `wɑtɚ; ˈwɔ:tə]名词1 (U)水; 饮料水cold ~冷水cool ~凉水hot ~热水boiling (hot) ~滚 (热的) 水warm ~温水a glass [bottle] of ~一杯 [瓶] 水fresh [sweet] ~淡水, 清水W~ is turned into steam by heat.水加热则变成蒸汽2 a. (U) (自来水等的) 水, 用水tap ~自来水的 (生) 水turn on [off] the ~(扭转活栓) 放水 [关水]b. [~s] (天然的) 矿泉 (水)drink [take] the ~s < 病人> 饮用矿泉水; 接受矿泉治疗c. (含矿物质的) 饮用水; 碳酸水→ mineral water.3 (U)[常 the ~] (与空中、陆地相对的) 水中Fish live in ~.鱼生活在水中jump in(to) the ~跳入水中4 a. (U) [常 the ~s; 常与修饰语连用] (海、河、瀑布、湖、池塘等的) 流水; 海水, 河水blue ~海open ~没有岛 [暗礁, 结冰 (等) ] 的海the ~s of the Nile尼罗河的水→ cast[throw]one's BREAD upon the watersb. [~s; 常与修饰语连用] 领海, 海域, 近海in British ~s在英国水域 [领海]c. [~s](文语.诗) 海 (sea)cross the ~s越过海, 越洋5(U)水面, 水位; 潮位above [below] (the) ~在水面上[下]on the ~在水上 [水面]→ high water 1, low water 1.6(U) 溶液; …水, 化妆水soda ~苏打 [碳酸] 水rose ~玫瑰香水an expensive toilet ~昂贵的化妆水7(U)分泌液; 泪水; 汗水; 尿液; 唾液 (等)~ on the brain [chest] (疾病引起的) 脑 [胸] 部积水make [pass] ~解小便The sight of the beefsteak brought (the) ~ to my mouth.看到牛排使我流口水8(U)a. (宝石, 尤指钻石的) 纯度, 品质a diamond of the first ~最高级的钻石b. (优秀等的) 程度a scientist of the first ~第一流的科学家a fraud of the first ~大骗子9(C) (纺织品、金属等的) 波纹10 a. (C)水彩画 (watercolor)oils and ~s油画和水彩画b. (U)水彩画具■ back water(1) 倒划桨; 使船后退(2)(美)撤回, 取消前言■ be in [get into] deep water (s)(口语)陷入极大的困境■ be in [get into] hot water → hot water 2■ be in low water缺乏金钱, 贫困■ by water由水路 [海路]■ draw water too ne's mill牟取私利■ go through fire and water → fire■ hold water(1)< 容器等> 不漏水, 无漏洞(2)< 理论等> 有条理, 能获得证明, 能站得住脚That alibi won't hold ~.那个不在场证明将站不住脚■ in smooth water (s)(英)平稳地, 顺利地, 圆滑地■ keep one's head above water → head■ like water(口语) (用钱) 如水, 毫不爱惜地, 大量地spend money like ~用钱如水, 挥霍钱■ make water(1) → n. 7(2)< 船> 漏水■ on the water(1) 在水上 [海上] , 水上 [海上] 的(a) life on the ~水上生活(2) 乘[坐]船, 被装载于船上■ the water of life (给与不朽生命的) 生命之泉■ throw [pour] cold water on[over]﹍(口语)对< 计画、希望等> 浇冷水, 打击别人的热情■ tread water踩水, 立游■ under water在水中; 浸水houses under ~浸水的房屋■ water under the bridge [over the dam]过去的事, 无法挽回的过去■ writ[written]in water< 名声> 转眼即逝的; < 功绩> 很快被遗忘的形容词1 水的, 关于水的, 装水的→ water supplya ~ bucket装水的水桶2 水力的, 利用水力的a ~ turbine水力涡轮3 在水中 [水上] 举行的~ sports水上运动~ transportation水路运输4 在水中 [水上, 水边] 的~ plants水生植物及物动词1 浇水于…, 洒水于…~ the lawn [streets]洒水于草地 [街道] 上~ the plants给花木浇水2 给< 马等> 喝水~ the cattle at a stream让牛在溪边饮水3 < 河水等> 灌溉 < 农作物、田地等> ; 供水Our country is well ~ed by rivers and brooks.我国因河溪多而水源充足4 掺水于…, 用水稀释…< down> This milk [wine] seems to have been ~ed (down).这牛奶[酒]似乎掺过水5‘经济’ (发行无实际资产配合的股票等) 虚报 < 资本、负债> 不及物动词1 < 动物> 饮水2 < 船、蒸汽机> 加水Our ship ~ed before sailing.我们的船在出航前加了水3 流出分泌液; < 眼睛> 流泪; < 嘴> 流口水Smoke makes one's eyes ~.烟会使人流泪His mouth ~ed at the sight of the food.他一看到那食物就流口水The smell made my mouth ~.那气味使我垂涎■ water down(1) → v.t. 4(2) 斟酌叙述…; 减低…的效果~ down one's language缓和说话的语气The report has been ~ed down.那篇报导的生动性被冲淡 [减弱] 了 |