

词汇 word
释义 word[wʒd; wə:d]名词
1 (C)字, 单字
an English ~英文单字
an archaic [obsolete] ~古 [废] 字
loan ~s借用语, 外来语
a short [long] ~短 [长] 的单字
I don't believe a ~ of it.我一点也不相信它
2 a. (C)[常 ~s] (口说的) 言语; 话, 谈话
a man of few [many] ~s话少[多]的人, 寡言 [多话] 的人, 不爱说话的人 [饶舌者]
big ~s豪语, 大话
bitter ~s严厉的话, 尖刻的话
burning ~s激烈的讨论
put﹍into ~s 把…用言语表达出来
give ~s to﹍表达…
give a person a ~ of advice给某人一句忠告的话
put in a ~说出
Let me have a ~ with you.我想跟你说句话
At a ~ from him you can be fired, you know.你知道的, 只要他讲一句话你就会被解雇
Mr. Brown will now say a few ~s.现在布朗先生要讲几句话
It's no use wasting any more ~s on him [it].你跟他 [对那件事] 再多说也是没用的
A ~ (is enough) to the wise.(谚)对于智者一言已足, 不必多言
Words without actions are of little use.光说不做是没有用的
Words failed me.我一句话也说不出
b. (C)[常 ~s]< …的> 话, 谈话
have a ~ to say有句话要说
I have no ~s to thank you enough.我再怎么说都不足以表达我对你的感谢
c. [~s]口角, 争论
have ~s with a person与人争吵
She said he was a son of a bitch, and that led to ~s.她骂他是畜生 [狗娘养的] 而引起口角
3 (U)[通常无冠词]
a. 通知, 音信, 消息; 传言
bring ~传达消息
send ~传言
Please send me ~ of your new life in Brazil.请来信告诉我你在巴西的新生活
b. < …的> 通知, 音信, 消息
W~ came that the party had got to their destination.消息传来说, 那一行人已抵达他们的目的地
4 a. [one's ~]约定, 誓言, 诺言
keep [break] one's ~信守 [不守] 诺言
give [pledge] one's ~承诺, 答应, 约定
one's ~ of honor以名誉保证的诺言[约定]
be better [worse] than one's ~做得比答应的还要好 [食言, 毁约]
I give you my ~ for the fact.我向你保证那是事实
b. [one's ~]< …的> 承诺, 约定, 保证
He gave me his ~ that he would never do it again.他向我保证他绝不再做那种事
c. [the ~]口令, 暗语
They gave the ~ to each other.他们彼此说出口令
a. [one's ~, the ~] 指示, 命令; 信号语, 口号
His ~ was law.他的命令即是法律(他的命令是“绝对的”之意)
Run when I give you the ~.当我发号令 [口令] 时你就跑
Mum's the ~!. → mum 成语
b. < 做…的> 命令
The ~ to fire was given.开枪[炮]的命令已下
a. (对歌曲而言的) 歌词
music and ~s by John Lennon由约翰.蓝侬作词作曲
b. (戏剧的) 台词
7 [the W~] 上帝 [神] 的话; 圣经, 福音; 基督
the W~ of God = God's W~圣经, 福音
preach the W~传福音
at a[one]word
(应请求) 立即, 言下 be as good as one's word
履行[遵守]诺言, 言行一致 be not the word for it
不得当 [不恰当] 的话
Hot isn't the ~ for it. It's scorching.岂止是热 [说热不恰当] , 简直是灼热
by word of mouth
(非书面而) 口头地, 口传地, 用言语传达地 eat one's words
(不得已而) 取消 [收回] 前言, 承认说错话 from the word go→ go n not get a word in edgeways→edgeways hang on a person's words [every word] = hang on the words of a pers on
专心倾听某人的话 have a word in a person's ear
(口语)对人耳语, 悄悄说 have [say] the last word→ last word in a[one]word
一言以蔽之, 总而言之 in other words
换言之, 换句话说 in plain words
率直地说, 坦白地说 in so many words
直截了当地, 一字不差地, 明确地, 露骨地
She didn't say it in so many ~s.她没有直截了当地说
in word
挂在嘴上 (的) , 只是说说 (的)
love in ~挂在嘴上的爱
in ~ and deed
言行均 [都] … My word !
哎呀!真是的!真没想到! my word upon it
(古)的的确确, 我发誓 [保证] not mince one's words
不客气地明说, 直截了当地说 pass the word (that﹍)
(把…事[话]) 告诉大家 play on[upon]words
(1) [play 当动词用] 说诙谐话, 说俏皮话
(2) [play 当名词用] 诙谐话, 俏皮话 put in a good word for a person
为< 某人> 美言 [进言, 说项] ; 为< 某人> 辩护
Put in a good ~ for me with the boss, will you ?.请在老板面前 (为我) 美言几句, 好吗?
put words into a person's mouth
硬说某人说 过某话, 无中生有; 教某人怎样讲 say a good word for a person = put in a good WORD for a person say the word
(1) 命令 (做某事) , 下令
Say the ~ and I'll do anything for you.你下命令我会为你做任何事
(2) 如此说
If you're tired, say the ~.如果你累了就说
take a person at his word
听信< 某人> 的话, 照单接受 take the words out of a person's mouth
抢先说出某人要说的话, 抢别人的话说 take a person's word for it
相信某人的话 the last word→ last word upon my word!=My WORD! waste (one's) words
白费唇舌 word for word
一字一字地, 逐字地, 一字不差地
translate ~ for ~逐字翻译
将…用言语 (…地) 表达, 措辞
~ one's ideas clearly用明确的言语表达某人的思想, 把构想清楚地用言语表达出来
a well-worded letter措辞高明 [得体] 的信




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