

词汇 thought
释义 thought[θɔt; θɔ:t]《think 的名词》名词
1 (U)
a. 思想, 思考, 思索; 考虑, 思维
after much [serious] ~经仔细考虑后
be lost [absorbed, buried] in ~在呆呆地默想; 沈思著
give a matter some [considerable] ~ =give some [considerable] ~ to amatter考虑一下 [仔细考虑] 问题
take ~ (of﹍) 仔细考虑 (…)
act without ~不经考虑而行动
Action as well as ~ is necessary.行动与思考同属必要
She felt uneasy at the ~ of having to go without her husband.想到没有先生作陪同行, 她就感觉不安
b. 想到…
The ~ that she might not come annoyed him.想到她或许不会来, 他就气恼
c. 思考力; 推理力; 想像力
I applied ~ to the problem.我思考了那问题
a beauty beyond ~超乎想像的美人 [意想不到之美]
d. [a ~]考虑
give a ~ to﹍想一想…, 考虑一下
I hardly gave the matter a ~.我几乎没有考虑过那件事
2 a. (用理性想到的) 构想, 主意
(→ idea【同义字】)
a happy ~巧妙的想法, 好主意
an essay full of original ~(s)充满独到见解的论文
b. [常 ~s]意见, 见解
What are your ~s on the subject?.你对这问题有何意见?
She always keeps her ~s to herself.她总是不把她的想法告诉别人
You are always in my ~s.我总是系 [思] 念著你
3 (U)[做…的]意向, 打算[of]
Our ~ is to avoid war.我们的意向是避免战争
He had no ~ of offending you.他无意冒犯你
4 关怀, 体谅, 担心, 悬念, 思虑[for]
take ~ for﹍ 担心…, 挂念…
Show more ~ for others than yourself.多为别人著想一下
The mother was full of ~ for her injured child.那位母亲非常挂念她受伤的孩子
5(U) (时代、民族等的) 思想, 思潮
modern [Western, Greek] ~现代 [西洋, 希腊] 思潮
6[a ~; 当副词用]稍微, 些微, 稍许, 一点 (a little)
It's a ~ too long.太长了些
Be a ~ more polite.要文雅一点
A penny for your thoughts.→ penny




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