

词汇 continue
释义 con.tin.ue[kən`tɪnjʊ; kənˈtinju:, -nju]《源自拉丁文“共同保持, 使并列”的意思》及物动词
1 (不间断地) 继续
(←→ stop)a. 继续, 使 < 行动、研究、工作等> 持续
They ~d their task.他们继续工作
b. 继续< 做…>
He ~d to write novels.他继续写小说
Prices ~d to rise.物价继续上涨
c. 继续< 做…>
He ~d reading, ignoring the bell.他不理钟响, 继续读下去
How long will you ~ working ?.你要继续工作 [用功] 多久 ?
2 (中断后又) 继续
a. (中断后又) 继续, 继续进行
He took a short rest and ~d his journey.他稍作休息后又继续他的旅行
To be ~d.未完, 下期待续
Continued on [from] page 20.下接第二十页
b. (中断后) 继续< 做…事>
He ~d writing after dinner.他晚餐后继续写
c. 接著说…
He ~d that we should keep the world in peace.他接著说我们应该维持世界和平
d. 接著说…
" Well, " he ~d, " what I want to say is.﹍." “对了, ”他接著说 :“至于我要说的是…”
3 a. 使< 人> 继续[…][at, in]
~ a boy at school使男孩子继续上学
The Home Secretary was ~d in office.内政部长继续留任
b. 使< 人> 继续 < 担任…>
The teacher ~d him as class monitor.老师使他继续当班长
4 ‘法律’延期< 裁判>
1 (不间断地) 继续
a. < 事件等> 继续; < 道路等> 延续, 扩展
The wet weather may ~.雨天可能持续下去
The ribbon of road ~d as far as the eye could see.带状的蜿蜒道路延伸至视线所及的远处
b. [在…期间] 继续 (存在) ; [在…之间]延伸[for]
The road ~s formiles.这条路延伸好几哩
The king's reign ~d (for) thirty years.那位国王的统治持续了三十年
How long will the play ~?.那出戏还要演多久?
c. (不休息地) 持续[工作等][with]
~ with one's work坚持工作下去
2 (中断后又) 继续
The party ~d after dinner.晚会在晚餐后继续举行
3 a. 逗留 [某地] ; 继续留任 [地位、官职等] [at, in]
He ~d in London.他继续留在伦敦
He ~d at his post [in office].他继续留在他的职位
(留任原职)b. 留任< 为…>
He ~d as president.他留任为董事长
4 继续守住[…], 继续保持[in]
They have ~d in the faith of their fathers.他们继续保持祖先们的信仰
5 仍旧, 依然
If you ~ obstinate, .﹍. 如果你仍旧顽固不化…
The play ~d an enormous success.那出戏很叫座地继续演下去




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