

词汇 wonder
释义 won.der[`wʌndɚ; ˈwʌndə]《源自古英语“奇迹”的意思》名词
1 (U)惊异, 惊叹, 惊奇, 惊讶
be filled with ~充满惊奇感, 极感惊奇
in ~惊异地, 惊叹地
I looked at him in silent [open-mouthed] ~.我非常惊讶, 哑口无言地 [张著嘴] 看著他
2 a. (C)神奇 [不可思议] 的东西 [人, 事件] ; (自然界等的) 奇观; 奇迹
do [work] ~s创造奇迹; 做出惊人的成就; < 药等> 有奇效
see the ~s of the city观赏该城的奇观
The child is a ~.那个孩子是神童
the ~s of modern science现代科学的奇迹
Wonders will never cease.世上的奇事总是不断发生
A ~ lasts but nine days.(谚)任何新鲜事都不能长久(新鲜感很快会消失)
b. [a ~]惊奇 [不可思议] 的事
What a ~!.何等的奇妙呀!多么不可思议!
It is a ~ (that) he declined this offer.奇怪的是他居然拒绝这个提议
and no [little, small] wonder
也难怪, 也不足为奇
You were late, and no ~ after last night.经过了昨夜的事, 也难怪你迟到了
a nine days' wonder
(即使一时大轰动也) 很快被遗忘的事[人]
【字源】有句英国谚语说 A wonder lasts nine days, and then puppy's eyes open. (好奇的眼睛注视九天, 小狗的眼睛就睁开) 小狗、小猫刚生出来眼睛睁不开, 你觉得是怪事, 但你只只要看它九天, 它就睁开了, 跟其他动物没有两样, 没有什么稀奇. 这件事常用以比喻世界上的新鲜事, 引起别人的关注不过九天, 大家会很快地忘记 for a wonder
(罕)说也奇怪, 令人惊讶的是
He came on time for a ~.说也奇怪, 他竟能准时来到
It is no [No] wonder (that) ﹍
一点也不足为奇, 难怪
No ~ he didn't come.难怪他不来
It is small [Small] wonder (that) ﹍
No wonder !.果然, 怪不得, 难怪
the Seven Wonders of the World→ seven不及物动词
1 a. 觉得惊奇 [不可思议, 诧异] , 惊讶
That set me ~ing.那使我觉得惊奇
b. [对…]觉得惊奇, 感到诧异[at]
I ~ at you [your impudence].我对你 [你的卤莽] 感到惊异
Can you ~ at it ? = It's not to be ~ed at.那有什么好惊奇的 ?(它一点也不奇怪)
I don't ~ at his jumping at the offer.他迫不及待地接受该提议, 我对此并不感到惊奇
c. < 做…而> 惊讶
I ~ed to see you there.我在那里看到你觉得惊讶
2 a. [对…]感到奇怪, 觉得[…]可疑, 诧异[about]
That remark made me ~ about his innocence.那种话使我对他的清白感到怀疑
b. [对某事] 觉得并非那样, 感到怀疑[about]
" Does he mean to try it?" - " I ~ (about it)." .“他的意思是要试一试吗 ?”“我觉得可疑”
c. 盘算 [关于…事] ; 想知道[…][about]
I'm ~ing about going to a movie.我正在盘算去看电影或做什么别的事
" Has he passed the exam ?" " I was just ~ing (about that)." .“他通过考试了吗 ?”“我正想知道这件事”
1 a. 不知道是否…, 想知道是否…, 对…感到好奇 [奇怪]
I ~ what happened.我想知道发生了什么事
I ~ why he refused.我想知道为什么他拒绝了
I ~ whether [if] I might ask you a question.我是不是可以问你一个问题 ?
He ~ed how to get there.他想知道如何才能到达那里
" Someone left this message for you." " I ~ who(it was)." .“有人留下这个口信给你”“我想知道那个人是谁”
I'm just ~ing where to spend the weekend.我正在想到哪里去度周末
b. 奇怪< …> , 感到诧异
" Who is he?" she ~ed.“他是谁 ?”她疑惑地自问
c. [I ~ 附加于独立的疑问句后] 疑惑…, 讶异…
How can that be, I ~ ?.那怎么可能 ? 我疑惑
2 惊讶于…, 对…感到惊奇
I ~ (that) he didn't kill himself.我对于他没有自杀感到惊奇
I ~ (that) you were not hurt more seriously.你只受轻伤 [未伤得更严重] , 真使我感到惊奇
I shouldn't wonder if﹍
I shouldn't ~ if he won (the) first prize.如果他获得首奖, 我也不感到惊奇 [我认为那是当然的]
1 惊人的, 惊奇的; 极好的
a ~ boy [child]神童
2 妖术的, 有魔力的




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