

词汇 shoot
释义 shoot[ʃut; ʃu:t](shot[t; t])及物动词
1 a. < 人> 发射< 子弹> , 开< 枪> ; 射出< 箭> < off>
~ a gun [bullet]开枪 [发射子弹]
~ a bow [an arrow]射弓 [箭]
b. < 枪> 射出< 子弹> < off>
The gun shot (off) a bullet.枪射出子弹
c. < 人> [瞄准…] 开< 枪> , [对…]发射< 子弹> , 射出 < 弓、箭> [at]
I shot an arrow at the target.我瞄准目标射箭
2 a. [用子弹、箭] 射 (杀) < 人、物> [with]
He shot a rabbit (with a gun).他 (用枪) 射死兔子
The soldier was shot (to death).那名士兵被射死
b. [~ oneself]举枪自杀c. 射中< 人等> [身体的一部分] [in, through]
He was shot in the arm [through the head].他被射中手臂 [射穿头部]
d. 射断…, 击毁…< away, off, out>
He had his finger shot off.他的手指被射断
e. 击落< down>
The airplane was shot down in flames.那架飞机被击中, 著火坠落了
f. 射击…使成< …状态>
The prisoner was shot dead.那个囚犯被枪决
g.[~ one's way]边射击边前进
He shot his way through the police cordon.他开枪射击突破警察的警戒线
3 a. (如发射子弹般) 连续说< 话> < out>
He shot out a stream of curses.他连珠炮似地口出恶言
b. [向…]连续提出< 问题等> [at]
He shot one question after another at me.他一个问题接一个问题地向我发问
4 a. 向< 某人> 投以 < 眼光、微笑等> , [向某人]投以 < 眼光、微笑等> [at]
She shot me an angry glance. = She shot an angry glance at me.她愤怒地瞥了我一眼
b. 发出< 光等> ; 喷出 < 火焰等> < forth>
The sun shot its beams through the clouds.太阳从云间射出光线
5 a. 投掷, 抛出< 人、物> < out>
He shot a line to the drowning boy.他投给溺水的男孩子一条绳子
He was shot out in the crash.他在相撞的事故中被抛出去
b. [从…]投出…, 抛出…[out of]
He was shot out of the car.他被抛出车外
6 a. 很快地伸出…< out>
~ out one's tongue很快地伸出舌头
The snail shot out its horns.那只蜗牛伸出它的触角
b. < 草木> 发 < 芽> , 生 < 枝> < out, forth>
~ out [forth] sprouts发芽
7 a. 穿过 < 急流、桥等>
The boat shot the rapids [bridge].那条船穿过急流 [从桥下穿过]
b. (口语)忽视 < 交通号志> 向前闯
The car shot the traffic lights.那部车闯红灯
c. 迅速移动 [搬运]
He shot his car into the parking space.他把车子迅速驶入停车场
The elevator shot us to the top floor.电梯把我们迅速送到顶楼
8 a. (狩猎时) 射杀< 猎物>
~ lions [wild duck]射杀狮子 [野鸭]
b. 用枪在< 某处> 打猎
~ the woods (用枪) 在森林中打猎
9 a. 弹 < 玻璃珠等> ; 朝球袋 (pocket) 击出< 球> ; 掷, 摇动 < 骰子>
b. (美)玩 < 玻璃珠、撞球、掷双骰子的赌博 (craps) 等>
10 拍摄 < 照片、影片、场面等>
~ a film at a studio在摄影棚拍摄影片
This scene was shot on location.这个景是实地拍摄的
11 迅速挂上 [打开] < 门闩、锁>
She closed the door and shot the bolt.她关门并迅速挂上 [闩上] 门闩
12 ] 给…加上变化[with]
13 (俚) (给静脉) 注射 < 麻药>
14 ‘运动’
a. (球赛时) 把< 球> 踢 [投, 射] 向 (球门等)b. (射 [踢, 投] 入球门等而) 得< 分> c. (口语) (打高尔夫球时) 得到 (最后的) < …杆数>
15‘航海’测量< 天体> 的高度
~ the sun以六分仪测量太阳的高度
1 a. < 人> 射击, 发射
Don't ~!.不要射击!
He ~s well.他善于射击
Do you ~ straight ?.你射得直吗 ?
(你能射中吗 ?)b. < 枪、大炮等> 发射子弹
This gun ~s straight [high].这支枪射得准 [偏向上方]
c. [瞄准…] 射击, 发射[at] (→ shoot v.t. 2 a. {比较})
He shot at a rabbit but missed it.他瞄准兔子射击但没射中
d. 用枪打猎
~ in the woods (用枪) 在林中打猎
go ~ing (用枪) 去打猎
2 a. 快速移动[跑]
Then he began to ~ ahead. (赛跑时) 然后他开始快速冲向前面
A cat shot past us.一只猫打从我们身边冲过去
A meteor shot across the sky.一颗流星划过天空
He shot from his seat.他 (惊骇得) 从椅子上跳起来
b. < 火焰、烟、水、血等> 射出, 喷出; < 光> 射出
Water was ~ing up out of a broken main.水从破裂的干管中喷出来
Blood shot from the wound.血从伤口喷出来
Arrows of sunshine shot through the clouds.阳光如箭般从云中射出
c. < 痛苦、酷热> 使人突然或强烈地感受到
Pain shot through [up] my arm.我的手臂阵阵作痛
3 a. < 芽> 发出; < 草木> 长芽 [生枝] < forth, up>
Buds ~ forth in (the) spring.芽在春天长出
b. < 小孩等> 快速成长, 迅速发育< up>
You've shot up, haven't you, Dick?.狄克, 你已经长得好高了, 不是吗?
c. < 物价> 暴涨; < 声望> 骤升< up>
The price of gasoline shot up overnight.汽油价格在一夜之间暴涨
4 a. 耸立< up>
The tower ~s up in the middle of the city.那座塔耸立于市中心
b. 突出, 伸入< out>
A cape ~s out into the sea.海角伸入海中
5 摄影, 拍摄影片
6 < 门闩、锁> 挂著, 可取下
7 美口语)朝向, 争取, 为目标 [for, at]
We are ~ing for a 10% increase in wages.我们力争使工资提高百分之十
8(口语) (把要说的话) 很快地说出
" Will you do me a favor?" -" Certainly. S~!" .“你愿意帮我一个忙吗?”“好, 快说吧!”
9‘运动’朝目标 (球门, 篮等) 踢 [投, 射] 球 I'll be shot if﹍(1)如果…我就被射杀了
I'll be shot if it is true.如果那是真的, 可以取我的命
shoot down
(1) → v.t. 2 e
(2)(口语)否决 < 提案、动议等>
~ down a proposal否决一提案
shoot from the hip
(口语)慌慌张张 [贸然断定] 地说话[行动] shoot it out
(口语)以互相射击解决 (事情)
The two gunmen shot it out (with each other).两个枪手以 (互相) 射击解决问题
shoot off
(1)→ v.t. 2 d
(2)对空开< 枪>
(3)对空燃放 < 烟火> shoot up
(1)(口语)在 < 村舍等> 到处放枪, 到处乱开枪威胁 < 村舍等>
(2)→ v.i. 3
(3)→ v.i. 4 a
1 a. 射击, 放枪, 发射
b. 射击会, 游猎会c. 游猎地, 猎场
2 (美) (太空船、火箭等的) 发射
a moon ~月球火箭的发射
3 新芽, 嫩枝
a bamboo ~竹笋
4 (美)斜槽, 泻槽, 滑槽 (chute)
the whole shoot(口语)全部, 一切




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