

词汇 dip
释义 dip[dɪp; dip](dipped; dip.ping)及物动词
1 a. 沾, 浸, 蘸< in>
~ a towel (in)把毛巾浸一下
b. 把…浸 [于液体中] [in, into]
He ~ped his pen into the ink.他把钢笔浸入墨水中
She dipped her handkerchief in the cool water.她把手帕浸入冷水中
2 a. 浸染< 衣服>
b. 把< 羊> 浸洗于消毒水中
3 a. (用手掌、杓等) [从…]舀取, 汲出, 汲取< up, out> [from, out of]
~ hot water out of a boiler从煮器中汲出热水
D~ up a bucketful of water from the well.从井中汲取一满桶的水
She dipped out the soup with a ladle.她用长柄杓舀汤
b. (为掏 [舀] 取某物) 将 < 手、汤匙等> 伸入[…中][into]
He dipped his hand into his trouser pocket for change.他将手伸入裤袋中掏零钱
4 a. 把 < 旗子> 稍微降下又升起
(表示敬礼)b. 把< 头等> 稍微低下; 微弯膝盖行 < 礼>
~ a curtsy略微屈膝行礼
He had to ~ his head to enter the room.要进入那房间他不得不稍微低下头
The bird dipped a wing.那只鸟忽然弯下一边翅膀
c. (英) (为避免强光射向对面来车) 使 < 前灯> 向下 [光减弱] ( (美)dim)
5‘基督教’对< 人> 施以洗礼
1 [在液体中] 泡一下, 微微一浸, 潜入[in, into]
~ into the sea潜入海里
2 a. (忽然) 下降; < 太阳> 下沈, 落下
The bird dipped in its flight.那只鸟在飞翔中忽然下降
The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落到地平线下
b. < 女子> 稍微屈膝行礼c. < 价格、销售额等> (暂时性地) 下降
3 < 土地、道路等> 向下倾斜, 成下坡; 下陷
The land ~s sharply [gently] to the south.那块地向南急速 [缓缓] 倾斜
4 a. (把手等) 伸入[…中], 掏取[into]
~ into a bag把手伸入袋子里
b. 浏览 [书、报等] , 略微过目, 涉猎[into]
~ into a newspaper略微翻看报纸
c. 探查[…], 研究, 探究[into]
~ into the future探究未来
dip in
拿到分得的一份 dip into one's pocket [purse, money, savings, etc.]
(因需要而) 取钱 [提出存款 (等) ]
1 (C)
a. 浸, 泡b. (口语)洗浴
have [take] a ~ in the sea泡海水浴
2 a. (C) (汤等的) 一杓
b. (U) (蘸面包、薄脆饼、薯条、蔬菜等用的) 调味汁 [酱 (等) ]
3 a. (C) (用消毒水洗羊等的) 浸洗
give the sheep a ~把羊浸洗一下
b. (U)浸液; (尤指) 洗羊的消毒水
4 (C) (浸芯) 蜡烛
a. (土地、道路等的) 下沈, 凹处, 坑, 倾斜, 下坡路
a ~ in the ground地面的凹陷
b. (物价等暂时性的) 下跌
a ~ in price价格的下跌
c. (电线下垂的) 弛度d.‘测量’ (磁针的) 倾角, 俯角
6(C)(俚)扒手 (pickpocket)




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