

词汇 trick
释义 trick[trɪk; trik]《源自古法语“诈欺”的意思》可数名词
1 a. 诡计, 策略; 欺瞒, 诈欺
obtain money from a person by a ~以计谋自某人处获得金钱
I suspect some ~.我怀疑有诈
None of your ~s with me !.我不会再上你的当了 [别跟我耍花招了!]
b. < 为了做…的> 计谋, 策略
His bruise was a ~ to play truant from school.他以瘀伤作为逃学的藉口
c. 迷惑, 幻觉, 错觉[of]
a ~ of the senses [imagination]错觉
a ~ of the eye眼睛的错觉
~s of the memory记忆上的错误, 模糊的记忆
2 a. (没有恶意的) 捉弄, 顽皮, 开玩笑
a ~ of fortune命运的捉弄
play [serve] a person a ~ = play [serve] a ~ on [upon] a person捉弄某人; 欺骗某人
He is at [up to] his ~s again.他又在戏弄 [捉弄] 人了
b. 卑劣的玩笑, 捉弄, 卑劣的手段
play [pull] a dirty [mean, shabby, dog's] ~用卑劣的手段, 用不正当的手段
None of your cheap ~s !.别耍你的花招了
3 (巧妙地做某事的) 手法, 诀窍; 要领, 秘诀[of]
the ~ of making pies做馅饼的诀窍
get [learn] the ~ of it学会 (做某事的) 诀窍
learn [teach] the ~s of the trade学习 [教授] 生意上的诀窍(讨价还价)
4 a. (以骗术使观看的人高兴之) 把戏, 特技
a conjuring [magic] ~戏法, 魔术
b. (狗和马等表演的) 把戏
I have taught my dog some ~s.我教了我的狗一些把戏
An old dog will learn no (new) ~s. = You cannot teach an old dog new ~s.(谚)老狗学不会新把戏; 老木不能曲
5 (态度、语言等异样的) 癖性, 特徵[of]
He has a ~ of repeating himself.他有讲话重覆的习惯
a. (桥牌等的) 一磴, 一圈 (round)
take [win] a ~赢一磴
lose a ~输一磴
b. (在一圈决定胜负) 所打出的牌(通常为四张)
take up the ~ (那一圈赢了) 就将打出的牌全部收取
take [stand] one's ~ at the wheel值班掌舵
the night ~夜勤, 夜班
do the trick
(口语) (使能够) 顺遂; < 药等> 奏效; 达到目的 How's tricks ?
(口语)你好吗 ? 近况如何 ? know a trick worth two of that
知道比那个更好的方法 not [never] miss a trick
(口语)非常机警的, 对一切都瞭解 the (whole) bag of tricks→bag trick or treat
(美)不给糖果就恶作剧 [捣蛋或招待]
(万圣节晚上, 孩子们在附近住户的门口, 讨取糖果时所说的话; Halloween【说明】) turn the trick(美)= do the TRICK
1 把戏 (用) 的, 杂耍 (用) 的; (电影等的) 特技的
~ cycling脚踏车的特技
a ~ cyclist脚踏车的特技师
~ cards变魔术用的纸牌
a ~ shot特技摄影
2 < 问题等> 意外困难的, 使迷丧的
a ~ question有陷阱的问题
3 < 关节等> 活动不灵活的, 突然支撑不住的, 忽然颓丧的
1 a. (用计谋) 欺骗< 人>
(→ cheat【同义字】)
I've been ~ed.我上当了
b. 瞒骗< 人> 使[…][into]; 蒙骗< 人> [夺取] [out of]
I was ~ed into signing.我被骗签了字
The poor boy was ~ed out of all the money he had.这可怜的男孩被骗光了他所有的钱
2 [用…]打扮, 装饰< 人、物> < out, up> [in]
The girl is ~ed out [up] in jewels.这女孩打扮得珠光宝气




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