

词汇 ship
释义 ship[ʃɪp; ʃip]名词
1 a. (C) (大) 船
(通常指以帆、动力操作的航海运输用的大型船; ◆{用法}常用女性代名词)
a ~'s doctor船医
the ~'s journal航海日志
the ~ of the desert沙漠之舟(指骆驼)
a ~ (bound) for America开往美国的船
【同义字】 ship 船的泛用语 boat 靠桨、帆、小型引擎操作的小船, 泛指船 vessel 大船
b. (U) (视为交通工具的) 船只
by ~以船运 [海运]
get [go] on board坐船
He took ~ at New York for Europe.他在纽约上船前往欧洲
2 (C)(口语)飞艇; (大型) 飞船; 飞机, 太空船spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar(谚)因小失大
when one's ship comes home [in](口语)当某人时来运转 [发了财] 时
及物动词 (shipped; ship.ping)
1 用船载 [运] …, 把…装载于船上< off, out>
~ the cargo把货物装船
A vast quantity of foodstuffs was shipped (off [out])to Africa.大量食品, 以船运往非洲
2 (用列车、货车等) 载运, 运输 < 大件物品等> (◆{用法}(英)为商业用语)
These goods are shipped by truck from New York to Washington.这些货物用货 [卡] 车从纽约运至华盛顿
3 把< 人> 送往[…], 放逐…[到…]< off> [to]
~ off criminals to the frontier把犯人放逐到边境
4 灌入 < 海水>
The boat shipped water [a sea] in a storm.那艘船遇到暴风雨而大量进水
1 a. 坐船, 搭船
~ at New York在纽约搭船
b. 坐船去
We shipped across the sea.我们坐船渡海
2 < 以…身分> 上 (船) , 在 (船上) < 当…>
He shipped as cook aboard an ocean liner.他在远洋定期轮船上当厨师




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