

词汇 rule
释义 rule[rul; ru:l]《源自拉丁文“笔直的棒子”→“界尺”的意思》名词
1 a. 规则, 规定, 法规, 规章, 章程, 条例; 教规, 教条, 法令
(→ law 【同义字】)
the ~s of baseball棒球的比赛规则
a breach of (the) ~s违规
~s and regulations (琐细而多的) 规章制度
bend the ~s曲解规则
stretch the ~s扩大解释规则的适用范围
R~s are made to be broken.规则是为了被违反而制定的
It is against the ~s for an employee to drink while on duty.员工在上班时间喝酒是违反规定的
b. < …云云的> 规则
There is a ~ that one mustn't touch the ball with one's hands in soccer.足球有一项规则球员不可用手触球
c. (科学、艺术等的) 法则, 方式; (数学上的) 法 (则) , 规则, 律
the ~s of grammar文法规则
→ the rule of three, (a) rule of thumb.
2 习以为常之事, 习惯; 惯例, 常例, 常发生之事
My ~ is to take a rubdown with a wet towel every morning.我有每天早上用湿毛巾擦全身的习惯
→ make it a rule to do
He makes a ~ of reading an hour before breakfast.他自己规定在早餐前阅读一小时
3 尺, 界尺, 画线板
a carpenter's ~(木工) 折尺
4‘印刷’线, 嵌线B
1 (U)支配, 统治, 控制, 管理[of]
the ~ of force武力统治
under military ~在军事统治之下
2 (U) 统治期间, 在位期间
during the ~ of Queen Elizabeth I在伊利莎白一世在位期间
The dictator's ~ was harsh.那独裁者的统治是严酷的
according to rule=by rule (a) rule of thumb
用拇指的测量法; 粗略的作法;
Experienced gardeners can mix soils in the right quantities by ~ of thumb.老练的园艺家能凭经验正确地调配土壤的份量
as a (general) rule
大体上, 一般而言, 通常
Asa ~, business is slack in summer.一般而言, 夏季生意清淡
" Is he punctual?" - " Yes, as a ~." .“他守时吗?”“通常是的”
by rule
You cannot do everything by ~.不一定凡事都能依规定做
make it a rule to do﹍
He makes it a ~ to take an hour's walk every day.他自己规定每天散步一小时
the rule of three
(依据“第一项与第四项之积等于第二项与第三项之积”的法则的解法) work to rule→ work及物动词
1 a. < 国王、政府等> 统治 < 国家、人民等> , 管理
How long did Queen Elizabeth I ~ England?.伊利莎白女王一世统治了英国多久?
b. 支配, 指挥, 命令; 压抑< 感情等> , 抑制
The good-natured man allowed himself to be ~d by his wife.这温厚的人任由妻子支配
You must learn to ~ your emotions.你必须学会控制感情
c. < 热情等> 影响< 人> , 控制
Don't be ~d by your passions [feelings].不要受情感[感情]的影响
2 a. < 法庭等> 规定 [判决] < 为…> , 裁决, 决定
The court ~d that the evidence was admissible.法庭裁定那证据可采纳
b. < 法庭等> 裁定 [判定] < 人、物> < 为…>
The court ~d him innocent.法庭判决他无罪
3 a. (用尺) 画线于 < 纸、簿子等>
~ a notebook画线于笔记本
~d paper画有线的纸
b. 画< 线> [于纸上] [on]; 画分< 纸> [with]
~ lines on a piece of paper= ~ a piece of paper with lines在纸上画线
1 a. 支配, 统治
b. 支配[over]
This land was once ~d over by a warlike king.这个国家从前由一个好战的国王统治著
2 [就…而] 裁决[on]; 做 [反对…的] 裁决, 否决[against]
The court will ~ on the matter.此事将由法庭裁决
The judge ~d against him.法官裁决他败诉
a. < 价格等> 稳定, 保持某种程度或比率
Higher prices ~d throughout Japan that year.那一年整个日本物价偏高
b. < 价格等> 普遍…
Prices are ruling high [low].物价普遍地高[低]
rule off
画线隔开 < 栏等> rule out
(1) (依照规定等) 排除…在外
(2) 除掉…, 使…不可能, 忽视, 拒绝考虑
You cannot ~ that possibility out.你不能排除那种可能性
rule with a rod of iron→ rod




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