释义 |
lay[le; lei](laid[led; leid])及物动词1 横置, 置放a. 横置He laid his bag on the table.他把提袋放在桌上She laid her baby (down) in the crib.她把婴儿放到小床里 (睡觉)She laid her hand on her son's shoulder.她把手放在儿子的肩膀上b. [~ oneself]躺, 卧He laid himself down on the ground.他躺倒在地上c. 埋葬< 人> ~ one's bones in Westminster Abbey把某人埋葬于西敏寺~ a person to rest [sleep]下葬某人2 a. 把 < 砖等> 铺整齐, 砌, 铺设, 建造~ bricks砌砖~ a pavement铺设人行道~ a railroad track铺设铁路轨道b. 奠定 < 基础等> ~ the foundation(s) of﹍ 奠定…的基础He tried to ~ a future course for himself.他努力为自己的将来铺路c. 布置 < 陷阱等> ~ a snare [trap] for﹍ 布置陷阱以捕…d. < 在…上> 铺, 覆盖, 涂[on]; 铺, 覆盖, 涂[with]~ a carpet on a floor= ~ a floor with a carpet在地板上铺地毯The wind laid the garden with leaves.风吹得满园是落叶3 a. 准备 < 饭菜> , 摆设 < 餐桌> ~ a table for breakfast摆设餐桌准备早餐b. 草拟< 计画等> , 想出, 设计~ one's plans拟定计画~ a conspiracy策划阴谋c. 准备生 < 炉火等> 4 < 鸟、昆虫> 产 < 卵> , 生< 蛋> This hen ~s an egg every day.这只母鸡每天下一个蛋a newlaid egg刚生的蛋5 a. 置 < 信赖, 强调等> [于…之上] [on, upon, in]~ trust on [in] a person信赖某人~ one's hopes on a person把希望寄托在某人身上In his lecture Mr. Smith laid great emphasis on the need for world peace.史密斯先生在演讲中强调地指出维护世界和平的必要性b. 课 < 义务, 处罚> [于…][on, upon]~ duties [punishment] on a person把义务 [处罚] 加诸于某人Heavy taxes are laid on wine and tobacco.烟酒被课以重税c. 归 < 罪、过错> [于…], 将 < 责任> 转嫁 [推诿] [于…] [to, on, upon]~ a crime to his charge把罪行归给他负责d. 置 < 故事的背景> [于…][in]The scene is laid in London in the nineteenth century.那场面以十九世纪的伦敦为背景6 a. 打倒, 打垮A single blow laid him on the floor.仅仅一击, 就将他打倒在地板上b. 打倒The storm laid all the crops low [flat].风暴把所有的庄稼吹倒(cf. 10)7 a. 平息< 灰尘等> , 抑制A shower has laid the dust.一场阵雨使尘埃不再飞扬b. 使 < 烦恼、恐惧、不安等> 平静; 消除~ a person's fears [doubts] to rest消除某人的恐惧 [疑惑]c. 将 < 幽灵等> 驱回阴间; 袚除 < 鬼怪> ; 驱 < 邪> ~ a ghost袚除鬼魂8 a. [~claim] 坚持[…的] < 所有权> [to]~ claim to an estate提出对房地产的所有权b. [向…]提出 [举出] < 想法、问题等> [before]~ a matter before a committee把问题提交委员会审议He laid his troubles before me.他向我述说了他的烦恼9 a. 打 < 赌> ~ a bet [wager]打赌b. [为…]赌< 钱等> [on]She laid $1000 on the horse.她在那匹马身上下注一千美元c. 跟< 人> 打赌< 钱等> , 断言I'll ~ (you) ten dollars that he will win.我跟你赌十美元说他会赢10 置… < 于…的状态> ~ a person asleep使某人睡著~ one's chest bare袒露胸膛The war laid the country waste.那战争使该国荒芜Mother has been laid low by a high fever.母亲因发高烧而一直卧著 (cf.6 b)11 (鄙)与…发生肉体关系不及物动词1 < 鸟、昆虫> 产卵This hen ~s well.这只鸡很会生蛋2 赌注, 打赌■ lay about﹍(1) [~ about one] 向周围乱打[with]He laid about him with a stick.他抡棒向周围乱打(2) 向< 人> 乱挥打; 激战[with]He laid about them with his hands.他用手向他们乱挥打■ lay aside(1) 把< 东西> (暂时地) 堆置一边~ a bag aside把提袋放在一边(2) 储藏, 保留, 储蓄< 物> He ~s aside Sundays for golf.他保留每星期日打高尔夫(3) 弃置, 革除, 放弃■ lay ﹍ at a person's door把 < 罪、过失等> 归咎他人, 委 < 过> 于人He always ~s his mistakes at my door.他经常把自己的过错归咎于我■ lay away储藏, 储蓄< 钱> ■ lay by= lay aside■ lay down(1) → v.t. 1(2) 安装、建造、铺设~ down a cable铺设海底电缆(3) (在地窖) 储藏< 葡萄酒等> (4) 定 < 规则、原则等> ; 主张, 断言~ down rules定规则~ it down as an axiom that﹍把…定为公理[原则]The Act ~s it down that.﹍.=It is laid down in the Act that.﹍.该法案规定…(5) 舍弃, 牺牲 < 武器、生命等> ; 取消, 放弃, 停止 < 工作、职位等> The burglars laid down their arms and surrendered.窃贼们放下武器投降~ down one's life牺牲生命He would not ~ down his work until it was finished.他在工作没有完成以前不肯停止(6) 种植< 农作物> ~ down cucumbers种黄瓜(7) 在 < 田地> 种植 [农作物] [in, to, under, with]~ down the land in [to, under, with] grass在那土地上种牧草, 把土地垦植为牧草地■ lay for ﹍(美口语)准备伏击< 人> ■ lay in囤积< 货品> , 贮藏 < 粮食等> ■ lay into ﹍(口语) (以拳头) 殴打, (以话) 攻击< 人> ; 抨击, 叱责■ lay it on (thick)夸张; 乱加赞扬, 给人戴高帽; 猛加叱责 [贬低]■ lay off(1) (因不景气) 暂时解雇 < 人员> (2)(美)脱 < 外套等> (3) 划分, 区分< 土地> (4) 把 < 从业人员> 从< 工作> 暂时解雇Three hundred workers were laid off work.三百名员工被暂时解雇(5)(口语)取消, 停止(6) 停工, 休养(7)(口语)戒除 < 烟、酒等> ~ off alcohol戒酒L~ off teasing.不要再嘲弄啦!(8)[用祈使语气]理会< 人> L~ off me.不要理我, 不要管我, 让我管自己的事■ lay on(1) 猛加< 打击等> (2) 涂 < 油漆等> (3) 徵 < 税> , 把 < 惩罚等> 加诸于; 下达< 命令等> (4)(英)装接 < 瓦斯管、水管、电线等> , 铺设Gas and water have not yet been laid on in the new house.新房子里面瓦斯管和水管还没装好(5)(英)准备 < 活动、菜肴等> They laid on a concert for the guests.他们为来宾准备音乐会■ lay out(1) 摊开, 陈列< 东西> ; 展现 < 光景等> Ilaid out my evening clothes.我取出晚礼服待穿A glorious sight was laid out before our eyes.壮丽的景象展现在眼前(2) 设计, 计划 < 庭园、都市等> ~ out a garden设计庭园(3) 编排< 书籍等> 的版面(4)(口语)击昏 [倒] < 人> The boxer was laid out with a blow on the chin.那拳师下巴挨一击而倒下(5)(口语)用 [花] < 钱> , 投资He laid out his life's savings on a new house.他花去毕生的储蓄买新房子■ lay over(1) 延期 < 集会等> The party was laid over for a week.聚会延期了一个星期(2) 覆盖, 装饰[with]The cover is laid over with gold.盖子上饰有金饰(美) (飞机旅行等) 中途[在…]短暂逗留[at, in]■ lay oneself out to do(口语)为…费心力 [卖力]She laid herself out to make her guests comfortable.她尽力使宾客感到舒适■ lay to(1)‘航海’使船 (逆著风) 停泊(2) 劲道十足地开始…The crew laid to their oars.船上人员劲道十足地开始划桨■ lay together集在一处~ our [your, their] heads together我们 [你们, 他们] 聚首研商■ lay up(1) 把< 东西> 留下不用, 储存~ up a supply of food储存食料(2) [给自己] 背上 < 包袱> , [给自己] 添加 < 麻烦> [for]He is ~ing up trouble for himself.他在给自己找麻烦(3)< 病> 使< 人> 卧床 [无法工作] ; 使< 人> 锢居I was laid up with a cold.我因感冒而卧床(4)‘航海’ (为修理而) 使< 船> 不被使用名词1 (U)[常 the ~] (东西被置的) 位置, 地形; 方向; 形势, 状态the ~ of the land地势; 情势, 形势, 情况2 (C)(鄙)性交的对象; 性交 |