

词汇 end
释义 end[ɛnd; end]名词
1 a. (时间、事情的) 终结, 结束, 终了, 末尾
the ~ of a day [an hour, a year] 1日 [1 小时, 1 年] 的终了[结束]
→ one's JOURNEY'S end
at the ~最后, 终于
to the ~ of time永远
to the (very) ~直到最后, 到底
There is an ~ of it.就此结束, 话到此为止
b. (信、故事等的) 结束, 终结, 末尾
at the ~ of a letter在信尾
The E~. (影片等的) 剧终
I was moved by the ~ of this novel.我被这本小说的结局感动了
2 a. (存在、行为等的) 终止, 废止
come to an ~结束
bring﹍ to an ~ 结束
make an ~ of﹍=put an ~ to ﹍结束…, 停止…
b. [常 one's[the]~] 死
come to an untimely ~早死, 夭折
meet one's ~死亡
He is near [is nearing] his ~.他的死期近了(他离死期不远)
Another attack will be the ~ of him.再次发作会使他没救
3 a. (细长物的) 端, 末端, 前端; (街道等的) 末端; 尽头
both ~s of a table餐桌的两端
the deep ~ of a swimming pool游泳池水深的一端 [头]
at the ~ of the street在街道的尽头
from ~ to ~从一端到他端
the person at [on] the other ~ of the line在电话线另一端的人
b. [常 ~s]残屑, 残余, 残片
cigaret (te) ~s烟蒂
→ ODDS and ends.
4 限度, 极限
at the ~ of one's stores [endurance]到达贮藏 [忍耐] 的极限(不能再贮藏 [忍耐] )
without ~无尽的[地], 无限的[地]
There is no ~ to it.那是没有止境的
1 [常 ~s]目的
the ~(s) of human life人生的目的
a means to an ~达成目的的手段
gain [attain] one's ~(s)达成目的
have an ~ in view有所意图
to [for] this [that] ~为了这个 [那个] (目的)
to what ~为了什么 (目的)
for political ~s为了政治上的目的
The ~ justifies the means.(谚)目的可证明手段是正当的(只要目的正当, 可以不择手段)
2 (事业等的) 部门, 方面
the sales [advertising] ~ of the manufacturing industry制造业的销售[广告]方面
at a loose end
→ loose end at an end
完结的, 终了的
be at an ~完结, 结束, 终了
at an idle end
= at a loose END at loose ends
(美)= at a loose END at the deep end
在 (工作) 最困难的地方 be at [come to] the end of one's rope
进退两难, 万事皆休 begin at the wrong end
踏出错误的第一步, 自始就错 end for end
颠倒地, 相反地
Turn the box ~ for ~ and try to open it.把盒子倒过来打开看看
end on
端头直对 (某物体) 地, 正对著; 尖端碰尖端地 end over end
上下位置颠倒地; 溜溜地 (旋转著)
The car went over the cliff spinning ~ over ~.车子溜溜地旋转著 [兜底翻身] 从悬崖坠落下去
end to end
头尾相接地, 衔接成纵向地
We lined up the benches ~ to ~.我们把长椅头尾相接地排起来
end up
一端向上 get one's end away
(英俚)性交 get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick
拿错, 完全误解 get the dirty end of the stick
(1) 被错待 [遭到不公平的待遇]
(2) 被分派到讨厌的工作 go off the deep end
失去自制; 勃然发怒; 卤莽行事, 胡为 in the end
最后, 终于, 结果 jump in at the deep end
= plunge in at the deep END keep one's end up
(1) 充分尽到自己的责任, 做好分内的工作
(2) 坚持 [奋斗] 到底 make (both) ends meet
使收支平衡, 量入为出
We're having trouble making (both) ~s meet.我们在为使收支平衡而伤脑筋
no end
(口语)非常, 很
I'm no ~ glad.我非常高兴
no end of
(1) 很多 [许多的] …
no ~ of people [money]很多的人[钱]
(2) [no ~ of a ﹍] 非常的…, 极好的…, 过份的…
no ~ of a fool [a (good) fellow]大傻瓜 [大好人]
on end
(1) 竖起, 直立著
put a thing on ~把东西竖起来
make one's hair stand on ~使某人 (因为恐怖等) 毛发竖立 [毛骨悚然]
(2) (时日) 连续地, 一连
It rained for three days on ~.一连下了三天的雨
play both ends against the middle
使两敌作有利于自己的相争 [坐收渔翁之利] plunge in at the deep end
(口语) (工作等) 突然自难处著手 (reach) the end of the line
(落到) 无法收拾的局面 start at the wrong end
= begin at the wrong END
the (absolute) end
(口语)太过份的事[物], 忍耐的限度
His insulting my mother is the absolute ~.他侮辱我的母亲叫我忍无可忍
the end of the world
(1) 世界的末日(毁灭)
(2) = the END (s) of the earth
the end(s) of the earth
世界 [地球] 的尽头, 最遥远的地方, 天涯海角 thrown in at the deep end
(口语)突然被派做困难的 [不熟练的] 工作 (等) to no end
无益地, 徒然
I labored to no ~.我徒劳无益地工作
to the bitter end
→ bitter 成语
1 结束, 终止
(→ finish【同义字】)
~ a quarrel [war]停止一场争执 [战争]
2 成为…的结束
The song ~ed the concert.音乐会以唱这首歌而结束
1 a. 终了, 结束
School starts when the vacation ~s.假期终了时学校就开学
World War I ~ed in 1918.第一次世界大战于 1918 年结束
The footprints ~ed there.脚印到那里为止
b. < 事情> 结束, 收场[in]
Their marriage ~ed indivorce.他们的婚姻以离婚告终
The game ~ed in a draw.比赛结果不分胜负
c. 结束[by]
I ~, as I began, by thanking you.我自始至终感谢你们
d. 结束[with]
The concert ~ed with the playing of the National Anthem.音乐会以演奏国歌而结束
2 死, (终于) 死亡 end off结束, 终结 < 演说、书本等> [by, with]
He ~ed off his story with a moral.他以一段教训结束他的故事
end up
(1) (当作经过的最后阶段) 最后变成[in]; 结束, 终结[with]
The gangsters ~ed up in prison.那些歹徒最后都琅珰入狱
The party ~ed up with a speech.宴会以一场演说结束
Who knows where he'll ~ up?.谁知道他最后会如何?
(2) 最后 < 成为…>
He started as an office boy and ~ed up (as) a director of the firm.他从公司的工友做起, 最后成为那家公司的董事
(3)< 人> 结束[by]
He ~ed up (by) winning [not winning] a victory.他终于获得 [未获] 胜利
mend or end
→ mend




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