

词汇 concerned
释义 con.cerned形容词
1 a. 有关系的
the authorities [parties] ~有关当局 [关系人, 当事者]
b. < 人> 有关系的, 有牵连的; 关心[…]的[in, with](cf. concern v.t. 1 b)
He is ~ with the real estate business.他与房地产事业有关系
Many companies were ~ in the scandal.很多公司都与这件贪污案有牵连
c. < 某事> 有关的[with](cf. concern v.t. 1 c)
Modern history is ~ with the future as well as with the past.近代史不仅与过去有关, 也与未来有关
2 a. 担心的
with a ~ air带著一副担心的样子
b. < 人> 担心[某事]的[about, over]; [为某事] 担心的[for](cf. concern v.t. 2 b)
He is very (much) ~ about the future of the country [over her health].他非常担心国家的未来 [她的健康状况]
We were ~ for him when we heard of the accident.我们听到那事故时, 都为他担心
c. < 为某事> 担心的
We are very much ~ that he may fail.我们很担心他会失败
so[as]far as﹍be concerned
就 (某事与) … (的关系) 而言, 至于…
As far as I'm ~, it doesn't matter what happens to him.就我个人而言, 我是不在乎他会发生什么事的
where﹍be concerned
就有关…的事而言, 提到有关…的事
She is really an incurable fool where men are ~.说到有关男人的事她简直是个无可救药的大傻瓜




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