

词汇 concern
释义 con.cern[kən`sʒn; kənˈsə:n]《源自拉丁文“一起过筛 [选拔] ”的意思》及物动词
1 与…有关系
a. < 某事> 对…有关系, 与…有关; 涉及, 事关, 与…有利害关系
The story ~s an evil magician.这是个有关邪恶的魔法师的故事
That doesn't ~ me.那与我无关
b. [~ oneself]< 人> 涉及[…], 有关系[in, with]
You'd better not ~ yourself in such things.你最好不要介入这种事
I shall not ~ myself with his affairs.我不想介入他的事情
c. [~ oneself]< 某事> 有关[with]
2 a. 使< 人> 担心
Don't let my sickness ~ you.不要担心我的病
b. [~ oneself]< 人> 担心[…] (worry) [about, for]
You must not ~ yourself about me.你切莫为我担心
as concerns
To whom it may concern.敬致关系当事人
1 (C)
a. 关心的事, 涉及的事, 重要的事
Our chief ~ at the moment is the weather.眼前我们最关心的事是天候
What he does is no ~ of mine.他做什么都不关我的事
b. 关系; (投资人等的) 利害关系
I have a ~ in the business.我与此事业有利害关系 [我是此事业的投资人之一]
They have no ~ with the dispute.他们和那纷争没有关系
2 (U) [又作 a ~] 操心, 担心, 忧虑, 挂念, 关心, 关怀, 照料
[for, over, about]
(→ care【同义字】)
with [without] ~担忧 [毫不担忧] 地
a matter of ~关心的事
You need feel no ~ about the matter.你不必担心那件事
She has (a) deep ~ for her son's safety.她非常担心她儿子的安全
Her ~ over the sick baby kept her awake all night.她因担心生病的婴儿而整夜都没睡
3 (U) [常 of ~] 重要性
a matter of utmost [no] ~非常 [一点都不] 重要的事
4 (C)营业, 事业; 公司, 财团
a going ~
→ going adj. 1
a paying ~合算 [赚钱] 的事业
5(C)(口语) (笼统的) 事物
worldly ~s俗事
everyday ~s日常的事
The war smashed the whole ~.战争把一切的事物都摧毁了




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