

词汇 apply
释义 ap.ply[ə`plaɪ; əˈplai]《源自拉丁文“装配于…”的意思》及物动词
1 贴< 物> [于…上], 使…接触, 敷, 涂[to, on]
~ a plaster to a wound在伤口上贴膏药
~ varnish to a box给盒子上洋漆
~ a second coat (of varnish) on top of the first在清漆的底子上再涂一层
2 将< 资金等> 充用 [于某用途] , 运用[to, for]
He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage.他把那笔意外的收入用于偿付抵押
3 将 < 规则、原理等> 应用[于…], 施用[to]
~ the rule to the case将这规则应用于此一情况
~ new technology to industry将新科技应用于工业
4 a. 将 < 精神、精力等> 倾注 [专注] [于工作等] [to]
A~ your mind to your studies.专心做学问
b. [~ oneself]专心致力[于…][to]
He applied himself to his new task [to learning French].他专心致力于新工作 [学习法语]
1 适用[于…], 适合[to]
This does not ~ to beginners.这不适用于初学者
This rule applies very well to this case.这个规则非常适用于这种情况
2 a. 申请
~ personally [by letter]亲往 申请
A~ here.请在此申请
Where (are) you ~ing?.你要申请到 [报考] 哪儿 [哪所学校] ?
b. [向…]申请[…], 请求, 询问[to][for]
For particulars, ~ to the office.详情请洽办事处
I applied to the Consul for a visa.我向领事申请签证




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