

词汇 application
释义 ap.pli.ca.tion[ˌæplə`keʃən; ˌæpliˈkeiʃn]《apply 的名词》名词
1 a. (U)[…之]施用[于…], 应用[of][to]
the ~ of a general rule to a particular case一般规则之施用于某一特殊情况
the ~ of science to industry科学在工业上之应用, 科学之被应用于工业
b. (规则等之) 适用, 适合; 用途, 用处
a rule of general ~适用于一般情形之规则, 通则
a word of many ~s用法繁多之字
2 a. 请求; 应徵; 申请[to][for]
an ~ for a loan贷款之申请
on ~ to﹍ 向…申请 [函索] 即
make an ~ to the authorities for a visa向当局申请签证
b. (C)申请书
fill out [fill in] an ~ form [blank]填写申请表格
send in a written ~提出申请书
3 a. [药、物等之] 贴用[于…], 敷用[of][to]
the ~ of an ointment to the shoulder用软膏敷在肩上
b. (C)外用药, 外敷药, 药膏
4 (U)
a. 专心, 专注, 勤奋, 用功, 努力
a man of unstinting ~一个全力以赴勤奋努力的人
with great ~专心致志地
b. 专心[于…][to]
~ to one's studies专心研究 [读书]




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