

词汇 appearance
释义 ap.pear.ance[ə`pɪrəns; əˈpiərəns]《appear 的名词》名词
1 a. 出现; (于集会等) 到场, 出席
make [put in] an [one's] ~ at a party (礼貌上短暂地) 在聚会上露面 [出席]
b. 公开出现, 演出, 出场
make one's first [last] ~ on the stage首次 [最后一次] 登台演出
c.‘法律’出庭, 应讯d. (书籍之) 出版, 发刊e. (报导之) 刊登, 刊载
2 a. (人、物之) 外观, 外表; (人的) 样子, 风采
present a good [fine] ~仪表堂堂, 风度翩翩
judge by ~s据外表判断, 以貌取人
put on the ~ of innocence假装天真 [无知, 清白]
Appearances are deceptive.(谚)外表是靠不住的(凡事不可光看表面)
b. [~s]面子, 外观, 门面, 体面
keep up [save] ~s保持体面, 撑场面, 虚饰外表
c. [~s]情势, 情况, 表面迹象
Appearances are against you [in your favor].情势对你不利[有利]
by all appearances
= to all APPEARANCE (s) for appearance' sake
= for the sake of appearance
为了体面; 为了顾面子, 为了要外表好看 to all appearance (s)
显然, 外表上看来, 不论谁 [怎么] 看
The letter was to all (s) the same as the original one.那封信外表上看来 [不管怎么看都] 与原件相同




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