

词汇 grind
释义 grind[graɪnd; ɡraind](ground[grand; raund])及物动词
1 a. < 榖物等> (以磨子) 碾; < 以石头等> 捣碎< down, up>
~ coffee beans碾咖啡豆
~ (down) rocks碾碎石头
b. 把 < 榖物、石头等> 磨成 [粉、碎片等] < down, up> [into, to]
~ (up) wheat into flour把小麦磨成面粉
c. 磨成 < 粉、碎片等>
~ flour磨面粉
2 a. (用坚硬之物) 研磨 < 镜片等>
~ diamonds [lenses]研磨钻石 [镜片]
b. 磨 < 刀具、利器等>
~ an ax on a grindstone以磨刀石磨斧头
~ a knife to a sharp edge把刀磨利
3 a. 磨< 牙齿等> < together>
~ one's teeth (together) in anger [while sleeping] (某人) 气得咬牙切齿 [睡觉时磨牙]
b. 把…使劲地[往…]磨擦, 按[into]
He ground his fist into his opponent's face.他用拳头使劲地挤压对方的脸
4 转动 < 磨机等> ; 摇奏 < 手风琴>
~ a coffee mill转动磨咖啡机
~ a barrel organ摇奏手风琴
5 a. 把…踩 [在脚下] [under]
~ a cigarette end [the people]
under one's heel用脚后跟踩踏烟蒂 [凌虐人民]
b. 折磨< 人> , 虐待, 压迫< down>
~ down the poor虐待穷人
Heavy taxes ~ us down.我们受重税的压榨
They were ground by tyranny.他们受暴政压迫
a. 卖力地教授< 人> [知识、科目等] [in]
~ the boys in Latin卖力教那些男孩拉丁文
b. 填塞 < 知识、科目等> [于人], 灌输[into]
~ the need for hard work into the students向学生反覆强调劝勉的必要性
1 a. 磨粉
b. 磨成粉, 可磨成粉
This corn ~s well [fine].这种榖物容易磨成粉 [可被磨细]
c. 可磨碎[成…]< down> [to]
The wheat ~s (down) to a fine flour.小麦可被磨碎成细面粉
2 a. < 齿轮, 交通工具等> 磨擦辗轧
~ to a halt < 交通工具等> 嘎的一声停止
b. [用…]辗轧[on, against]
The ship ground against the rocks.船碰到了岩石, 发出嘎吱声
3 a. (口语)努力[于…]< away> [at]; (美口语)[为…而]苦学< away> [for] (英)swot)
~ away at one's English拼命苦学英语
~ (away) for an exam勤苦地准备考试
b. < 为…> 努力; 孜孜不倦< away>
~ away to support one's family为养家而拼命地工作
4 (俚) (跳脱衣舞等) < 女子> 扭摆腰 grind out(1) 碾成 < 粉、碎片等>
(2) 搓灭 < 香烟等>
(3) 咬牙切齿地说
~ out an oath咬牙切齿地诅咒
(4) 咬牙切齿地说…
" Damn it!" he ground out.他咬牙切齿地说 “该死!畜生!”
(5) (以手风琴) 摇奏< 曲子>
(6) 机械性地做出 < 作品、曲子等>
~ out popular books一本接一本地出版受欢迎的畅销书
grind the faces of the poor榨取贫民的膏血; 苛待贫民
1 a. (U)碾; 磨碎
b. (C) (粉的) 碾磨情况
coffee of a fine ~磨细的咖啡
2 [用单数](口语)辛苦枯燥的工作[学习]; 乏味令人讨厌的工作[学习]
the daily ~每天重覆的乏味工作
3 (C)(美口语)孜孜不倦的学生; 死用功的学生 (英)swot)
4 (C)跳脱衣舞时扭腰的动作




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