

词汇 scoop
释义 scoop[skup; sku:p]可数名词
1 a. 杓子
b. (半球状、有柄的) 冰淇淋 [马铃薯泥] 舀取用具
2 (疏浚机、电铲等的) 舀泥用具, 铅桶
3 a. 一舀, 舀取, 汲取
at one ~一举, 一下子
make a ~ with one's hand用手迅速地舀取
b. 一舀 [杓, 铲] 的量[of]
I used three ~s of flour and one(~)of sugar.我用了三杓面粉和一杓糖
4 (口语) (报纸的) 特讯, 独家报导
The newspaper got a ~ on the airplane crash.该报独家报导了那次飞机失事
5(口语) (抢先别人的) 大捞一票, 发大财
He made a ~ with the shares.他在股票上赚了大钱
1 a. 舀取, 汲取, (用铲子) 挖起, 挖出< up, out>
~ up snow挖起雪
~ out the last bit of soup
(把碗倾斜) 舀取最后一匙汤
b. [从…]舀出… [from, out of]
~ water out of a boat从船上舀出水
c. 舀出…的水, 使…成…状态
~ a boat dry把船里的水舀乾
2 (用铲子) 挖成 < 洞、沟等> < out>
~ (out) a hole in the sand在沙地上挖洞
3 (口语)以独家新闻抢先 < 他报> 一步; 刊登 < 独家新闻>
The New York Times ~ed its rivals with an early report on the accident.纽约时报比他报抢先报导了那次意外事故




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