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cry[kraɪ; krai]《源自拉丁文“哭号, 尖叫”的意思》不及物动词1 (大声) 叫喊a. < 人> 大声叫喊 [嚷] < out> ~ (out) aloud大声叫喊I could not help ~ing with pain.我痛得忍不住大叫起来 【同义字】■ cry 因高兴、惊讶、痛苦而不由自主地叫喊■ shout 大声喊叫或大声说话■ exclaim 因高兴、惊讶等强烈情感而突然大叫 b. 大叫 [请求…] < out> [for]; [反对…而] 叫喊< out> [against]~ (out) for mercy [help]大叫请求大发慈悲 [救助]~ out against in justice高喊反对不公正c. [向人]呼叫 [求…] [to][for]They cried to us for help.他们向我们大声呼救(cf. 1d)d. [向人]呼叫 < 要求做…> [to]They cried to us to help them.他们向我们呼叫求救(cf. 1c)2 (放声) 哭泣【同义字】■ weep 不出声地哭泣, 尤指流泪, 用在文章上■ sob 哽咽或抽噎地啜泣 a. (婴儿等) 大声哭Stop ~ing.不要哭b. [悲极、喜极而] 哭泣[for]He cried for joy [grief].他喜极 [悲极] 而泣c. (哭著) 要[…], 要求[for]The child cried for a toy car.那个小孩哭著要玩具汽车→ cry for the MOON.3 a. < 鸟兽> 鸣叫b. < 猎狗> 吠叫, 嗥叫及物动词1 (大声) 喊叫a. 大声喊叫, 大声吼叫; 大声报告 < 新闻> 大声叫卖< 东西> We cried his name in vain.我们大声叫他的名字, 但是没有用He was ~ing his wares on the street.他在街道上叫卖著他的商品b. 大声喊叫 [吼叫] < out> " Stop !" the policeman cried.那名警察大叫“停!”" Help !" she cried out.她大叫“救命啊!”c. 大声说< out> She cried that she was coming.她大声说“现在就来”2 (大声地) 哭a. 哭著流出 < …泪> She cried bitter [hot] tears.她哭著流出痛苦的泪 [热泪]b. [~ oneself]哭成< …的状态> The boy cried himself asleep.那男孩一直哭到睡著I cried myself blind.我把眼睛哭瞎了c. [~ oneself]哭到[…的状态][to]The baby cried itself to sleep.那婴儿哭到睡著■ cry down拒绝接受< 意见等> ; 贬损; 喝止■ cry off(1) 撤回 [前言] ; 取消 [契约等] ; 打退堂鼓, 改变初衷[from]They cried off from the deal.他们取消该交易(2) 取消I was tempted to ~ off going to the party.我不想参加那宴会■ cry (out) for﹍(1) →v.i. 1b(2) 极需…The land is ~ing out for development.那块土地极需开发■ cry over﹍悲叹 < 不幸等> It's no use ~ing over spilt milk. →spilt MILK.■ cry up (大加) 称赞■ for crying out loud !(口语)(1) 真叫人吃惊!哎呀!真是的!岂有此理For ~ing out loud, can't you see I am doing that ?.真是的, 难道你没看见我正在做吗?(2) 求求您, 拜托For ~ing out loud, stop it !.拜托, 停了吧(不要做了)!■ give a person something to cry about(口语)更严厉地处罚 < (稍挨骂就哭不停的) 小孩> If you don't stop crying, I'll really give you something to ~ about.如果你不停止哭, 我真的要更严厉地处罚你 (让你哭个够)可数名词1 a. 叫声give a ~ of pain [joy]发出痛苦[高兴]的叫声let out a sudden ~突然叫出来b. 叫卖声, 传报声street cries街上的叫卖声c. 呐喊; 标语, 口号→battle cry, war cry'Safety first' is their ~.“安全第一”是他们的口号2 a. (婴儿、人等的) 哭声b. 号哭, 啼哭, (一阵的) 哭A baby usually has a ~ after waking.婴儿醒后通常会哭一阵She had a good ~.=She had a ~ out.她痛哭了一场3 a. (鸟兽的) 叫声[of]the cries of gulls海鸥的叫声b. (猎狗等的) 吠声, 嗥声the ~ of hounds猎狗的吠声4 a. 舆论 (之声) , 公意, 要求[for, against]a ~ for [against] reform赞成[反对]改革的呼声b. < 做…的> 要求, 舆论, 大众的呼声a ~ to raise wages提高工资的要求■ a far[long]cry(1) 远距离, 遥远的路途[to]It is a far ~ to Hong Kong. (这儿) 离香港很远(2) 极大的悬殊 [差异] , 大不相同[from]The association is still a far ~ from being well organized.该协会尚未很好地组织起来; 该协会距离完善的组织尚有一大段距离■ in full cry(1)< 猎狗> 一齐紧追The hounds were in full ~ after the fox.那些猎狗在狐狸后面紧追不舍(2)[对…]疾呼, 猛烈地攻击[after]The opposition set out in full ~ after the government.反对党开始猛烈地攻击政府■ much cry and little wool(谚)雷声大雨点小; 虎头蛇尾■ within cry (of﹍)在听得见 (…) 叫声的地方 |