

词汇 crowd
释义 crowd[kraʊd; kraud]《源自古英语“向前进”的意思》名词
1 (C)[集合称] (无秩序而杂乱的) 群众, 大群人; 人群
There was a large ~ of people in the garden.花园里有一大群人
The ~ was [were] dispersed.群众四散
He was surrounded by ~s of journalists.他被一大群记者子包围
2 [the ~]民众, 大众
follow [move with, go with] the ~跟随大众, 向大众看齐; 人云亦云
raise oneself [rise] above the ~出众, 出类拔萃
3 [a ~ of﹍或 ~s of﹍] 许多的, 很多的
a ~ of books许多书
~s of people成群的人
4 (C)(口语)同伴, 伙伴, 一帮
a good [the wrong] ~好的[坏的]伙伴
that ~那一批 [帮] 人
in crowds
成群地, 大群地 pass in a crowd
(口语) (在众多中) 还过得去, 马马虎虎
That may [might, would] pass in a ~.那可能不会过于逊色; 那大概是普通程度的吧; 那也许还可以过得去
1 < 人等> 群集 [于…周围] , 蜂拥[至…][round, around]
The boys ~ed round [around] the tennis player.男孩子们群集在那位网球选手的周围
2 涌至, 挤进
The guests ~ed into the room [through the gate].那些客人挤进房间里 [挤过大门]
They ~ed in for seats.他们涌进去占座位
Scenes from the past ~ed in upon him.过去的光景陆续浮现在他的脑际
1 a. < 人、物等> 群集在< 某处>
People ~ed the street.人们群集在街道上
b. 使 < 房子、房间等> 挤满[人、物][with]
~ a room with furniture [guests]使房间里摆满家具 [挤满客人]
c. 使< 人> 挤满[于…]; 把< 东西> 塞满[…] [into, onto]
~ people into a train火车挤满了人
Many people were ~ed into the bus.很多人挤进公共汽车里
d. 把< 人、物> 塞入 (狭窄处) < in>
He ~ed children in.他让孩子们挤进去
2 (美口语)执拗地央求< 某人> […], 催逼[for]
Stop ~ing me.不要催我
~ a person for an answer催某人回答
3 (美)接近 < 某年龄>
He is ~ing 70.他年近七十
crowd out
(因空间不足) 将…挤出, 排除, 驱逐
Her contribution to the magazine was ~ed out.她给那家杂志的投稿 (因为稿挤而) 未被刊登
crowd﹍out of﹍
把…从…挤出, 排挤
Many people were ~ed out of the hall.许多人被挤出那大厅




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