

词汇 arm
释义 arm[ɑrm; ɑ:m]名词
1 (C)[常 ~s]兵器, 武器
(→ weapon【同义字】)
carry ~s携带武器, 托枪; 打战
change ~s换肩托枪
deeds of ~s武功, 军功
by (force of) ~s以武力
give up one's ~s缴械投降
Order ~s !.枪放下
Pile ~s !.架枪!
Port ~s !.端枪!
Present ~s !.举枪敬礼!
Shoulder [Carry, Slope] ~s !.托枪!
→ side arm, small arms
2 [~s]
a. 战争, 战斗
suspension of ~s休战
appeal [go] to ~s诉诸武力
b. 兵役, 军职
3 (C)‘军’兵种, 军种
the infantry ~步兵
the air ~空军
4 [~s] (从前武士用在盾或旗上的) 徽章, 饰章
→ COAT of arms. bear arms
(1) 拥有 [携带] 武器
(2)(文语)武装起来; 服兵役 lay down one's arms
(1) 弃械
(2) 投降 take up arms
(1) 拿起武器, 开战[against]
(2) 从军, 去当兵 To arms !
准备战斗 (之号令) under arms
备战 up in arms(口语)
(1) 举兵; 武装反叛
(2)[对…]愤慨的[about, over]
1 a. 武装< 人> , 使< 人> 武装起来, 配备< 人> [with]
~ peasants (with guns)使农夫 (以枪) 武装起来
b. [~ oneself]武装[with]
He ~ed himself with a gun.他随身带著枪
He is ~ed to the teeth.他全身武装
I tell you I am well ~ed.我告诉你, 我有很好的武装
2 给 < 兵器等> 装上[…][with]
~ a missile with a nuclear warhead给飞弹装上核子弹头
The carrier is ~ed with nuclear weapons.那艘航空母舰配备有核子武器
3 供给< 人等> [用具、知识等] [with]
~ed with rubber boots for a walk in the rain为在雨中步行而备有橡胶靴
I'm only ~ed with knowledge.我只有知识可以依赖
武装起来; 拿起武器准备作战




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