

词汇 arm
释义 arm[ɑrm; ɑ:m]可数名词
have a child in one's ~s怀中抱著孩子
a child in ~s需要人抱的孩子
within ~'s reach在手臂所能伸及之处; 在近旁
with one's ~s folded = with folded ~s抱著胳膊, 袖手; 袖手旁观
throw one's ~s around a person's neck以双臂搂住某人的颈项
hold [carry] a package under one's ~腋下挟著一个包裹
2 似臂之物
a. (树的) 粗枝b. 桁架, 托架c. (衣服的) 袖子d. (椅子的) 扶手e. (唱机的) 唱头臂
3 力, 权力
the (long) ~ of the law(谑)法律之力, 公权力, 警力
4 (政府机关、组织等之) 部门, 分支机构
the military ~ of the Government政府之军事机构
arm of the sea
内海, 海湾 arm in arm
挽著臂[with] at arm's length
在伸手可及处; 保持一段距离; 疏远 keep[hold]a person at ~'s length
疏远某人, 不让人接近 one's right arm
→ right arm put the arm on﹍(美俚)
(1) 捉或收押以采取法律手段
(2) 向< 人> 勒索 [钱等] , 强求[for] twist a person's arm
(1) 扭某人之手臂
(2) 强制某人, 向某人施加压力 with open arms
(1) 伸开; 双臂
(2) 热烈地(欢迎等)




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