

词汇 moment
释义 mo.ment[`momənt; ˈmoumənt]《源自拉丁文“活动 (movement) ”的意思》名词
1 a. 瞬间
for a ~片刻 (之间) , 一会儿, 瞬息, 刹那
in a ~立即, 马上, 瞬息间, 很快
→ at any MOMENT, at every MOMENT
A ~ brought her to the water's edge.瞬息间她到达了水边 [河畔]
b. [a ~; 当副词用]片刻 (之间) , 一会儿
(Just) wait a ~. = Half [Just] a ~. = One ~ (, please).等一下, 一会儿就好, (请) 稍候
c. [the (very) ~; 当连接词用] 一…就
The ghost vanished the (very) ~ the cock began to crow.公鸡一开始叫, 鬼魂就消失了
2 a. (C) (某特定之) 时间, 时机, 机会, 场合
in a ~ of danger在危险的时刻
in a ~ of anger在生气时
in a critical ~在危急关头
at that ~在那时候
b. (C)< 做…之> 时候, 时机
This is not the ~ to argue [for argument].现在不是争论的时候
c. [the ~]此刻, 现在
at the ~此刻, 现在
the fashions of the ~当今的时尚 [流行式样或款式]
the man of the ~时下的红人 [重要人物]
for the ~当前, 目前, 眼前 (的)
d. [~s]某一段时间, 短时期, 一阵子, 时光
At odd ~s I'm struck by his resemblance to you.有些时候我会忽然想到他很像你而感到惊讶
3 (U)[of ~]重要性
of little [no great] ~不甚重要
affairs of great ~重大事件
4 (C)‘物理’矩, 力率, 能率[of]
the ~ of a magnet = the magnetic ~磁矩
the ~ of inertia惯性矩, 转动惯量
at any moment
任何时刻, 随时
It may occur at any ~.这种事随时可能发生
at every moment
不停地, 经常, 时时刻刻 at moments
时时, 有时 at the last moment
在最后一刻, 在最后关头 at the very moment
(1) 此刻, 目前, 现在
(2) 就在此时; 就在那时 at this moment (in time)
现在, 目前 for a moment
(1) → 1a
(2) 一点 [一刻] 也 (没有[不]…) , 从 (不 [未] …)
I don't believe for a ~ that he is a liar.我一点也不相信他是个会说谎的人
have one's [its] moments
< 某人、事物> 风光一时, 情况奇佳, 有美好的时光 in a rash moment → rash the moment of truth
(1) (斗牛士) 即将一剑刺死牛的刹那
(2) 决定性的瞬间, (成败的) 关键时刻 the next moment
转瞬间, 马上
The next ~ he found himself lying on the ground.转瞬间他觉察到自己已躺在地上
this very moment
(1) 现在就, 立刻
Go this (very) ~.现在马上去吧
(2) 刚才, 方才
I received it just this ~.我方才才收到这东西
to the (very) moment
(时间) 准时




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