

词汇 illusion
释义 il.lu.sion[ɪ`luʒən; iˈlu:ʒn]《源自拉丁文“戏弄”的意思》名词
1 幻觉, 幻影, 幻象
Life is only (an) ~.浮生若梦
2 (C)
a. 错误的想法[判断], 错觉, 幻想; 误解
a vain ~虚无的幻想
A warm day in winter gives an ~ of spring.冬天里的温暖日子给人以春天的错觉
It is an ~ to think [believe] that all wisdom is contained in books.以为 [相信] 一切学问知识尽在书中的看法是错误的
b. 错误想法[判断], 错觉
be under an [no] ~ that﹍有[没有]…的错误想法
She has [cherishes] the ~ that she is the prettiest in her class.她误以为自己是班上最漂亮的人
3 (C)‘心理’错觉
an optical ~视错觉
形容词~.al[-n; -nl], ~.ary[-nr; -nri]




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