

词汇 overflow
释义 o.ver.flow[ˌovɚ`flo; ˌouvəˈflou]不及物动词
1 a. (液体) 流出, 溢, 氾滥
The glass was full [filled] to ~ing.杯子 (的酒) 斟得满满的
The ponds often ~ in the spring.那些池塘在春天常常氾滥
b. 溢出[到…], 满出[到…], 流出[到…][into]
The crowd ~ed into the hall.群众爆满, 挤到走廊上来
2 [商品、资金等] 充斥, 氾滥, 过多[with]
The market is ~ing with goods.市场上商品充溢
1 使…溢出, 流出, 氾滥
The river sometimes ~s its banks.那条河的水有时会溢过两岸
2 < 人、物> 由…溢满[到…][into]
The crowd ~ed the hall into the street.群众由大厅挤到街上
[`ovɚˌflo; ˈouvəflou]可数名词
1 a. [河川的] 氾滥, 流出[of]
b. 溢出 [流出] 物
2 [人口、商品等的] 过多, 过剩[of]
3 排水道 [管]




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