

词汇 over
释义 o.ver[`ovɚ; ˈouvə]介系词
1 a. 在…的上面, 在…上面, 在…头上 [正上方]
a bridge ~ a river架在河上的桥
The moon is ~ the roof of our house.月亮在我们屋顶的正上方
The Union Jack waved ~ them.英国国旗在他们的头上飘扬
b. 覆盖在…上
have a shawl ~ one's shoulders肩上披著披肩
She put her hands ~ her face.她用双手遮住脸
He pulled his cap ~ his eyes.他拉下帽子遮住眼睛
c. < 东西> (罩住似地) 在…上面, 压在…上面似地, 向…伸出 [突出]
The cliff projects ~ the sea.悬崖突出海上
He leaned ~ the fence.他倾身于篱笆上
2 a. [常all ~] < 场所> 全面, 遍及…, …各地
all ~ the country遍及全国, 全国各地
all ~ the world遍及全世界
(cf. adv. 2)
travel (all) ~ Europe到欧洲各地旅行
b. …的全部, …各处
look ~ a house查看房屋各处
3 越过…
jump ~ a fence跳过篱笆
look ~ a person's shoulder从某人的肩膀上看过去
The model plane flew ~ the river.模型飞机飞过河
4 在 < 海、河、街道等> 的那一边
the house ~ the street街道那一边的房子
He lives ~ the mountains.他住在山的那一边
5 超过…
She was ~ eighty.她年过八十
In a little ~ two hours we reached the top of Mt. Fuji.两个多小时后, 我们抵达富士山的山顶
It is ~ and above what is wanted.那是超过需要的东西
6 控制…; 位于…之上, 胜过…
rule ~ a country统治国家
have command [control] ~ oneself
[one's passions]有自制力 [控制自己感情的能力]
7 a. < 时期等> 在…的时间内, 在…期间, 至…结束为止
~ a period of time在某一段时间
I did it ~ the weekend.我在周末时做的
b. < 距离等> 长达…
~ a good distance在一长段的区域内
drive ~ a road沿著道路一直开下去
c. 经过…
a pass ~ the company's line
8 a. 关于…
talk ~ the matter with﹍ 和…谈论那件事
b. 为了…事
She is crying ~ the loss of her son.她因失去儿子而在痛哭
He and his wife quarreled ~ money.他和妻子为金钱而争吵
9 边…边做…; 正从事…的时候
talk ~ a beer边喝啤酒边谈话
wait ~ a cup of coffee边喝咖啡边等人
10 透过, 经过< 电话等>
The first news of it was received ~ the telephone.那件事的最先消息是通过电话收到的
We heard it ~ the radio.我们从收音机广播听到那件事
all over﹍→all adv over all
从一端到另一端 over and above﹍
除…以外, 加上…
I was given a sum ~ and above my wages for living expenses.除了工资外, 我另外领取一笔生活费
1 a. 在上 (方) , 在高处
A bird flew ~.一只鸟在上空飞过
b. 由上而下; 突出, 倚靠
Don't lean ~.不可把身体伸出 (窗外)
2 全面, 全部
cover ~ with paint整个涂油漆
all the world ~世界各地, 遍及全世界
(cf. prep. 2 a)
3 a. 在远离的地方, 在那一边; 越过 (街道、河、海等) , 向那边
They went ~ to Paris by plane.他们搭飞机去巴黎
I'll be right ~.我马上过去
b. 向这边
Come ~ to me.到我这里来
→OVER here
I asked him ~.我请他过来
He came (all the way) ~ to China from England.他从英国 (远道) 来到中国
c. 给他人 [他方]
He made ~ the house to his brother.他把房子转让给他弟弟
4 反转, 颠倒
He turned [rolled] ~ in his sleep.他睡觉时翻身
O~.(美)= Please turn ~.请翻过来; 请看反面
5 结束, 完毕, 过去了
(cf. ALL over(1)
School will be ~ at three.学校将在三点放学
The good old days are ~.从前的好日子已经过去了
The rain is ~ and gone!.雨停了!
The first act was already ~.第一幕已演完
6 自始至终, 从头到尾, 全部
read a newspaper ~把报纸从头到尾看一遍
He thought the matter ~ for some time.他把那件事仔细地考虑了一些时候
7 反复地, 重复地
read it (twice) ~重复读它 (两遍)
many times ~重复多次, 再三地
~ and ~ (again)一再地, 再三地
Could you start ~ again?.你能再重复一次吗?
8 a.
flow ~溢出
boil ~沸腾而溢出
b. (口语)剩余, 剩下
I paid my bill and have several pounds left ~.我付了帐还剩下几镑
9(英)太…, 过度地
not ~ well不太有精神, 不太好
" What do you think of this essay?" " Well, it's not exactly ~ accurate." .“你认为这篇论文如何?”“唔, 我认为它不太精确”
all over→all adv over against﹍
(1) (面) 对著…, 在…的前面 [附近]
(2)与…对比 [对照]
quality ~ against quantity将质与量作一对比
over and above
加上, 而且, 再者 over and done with
结束, 完毕
The whole thing is ~ and done with.整个事情已告结束
Over and out!
[无线电通信] 通信完毕! over here
在这里, 在这边 over there
(1)在那边, 在那里
(2)(美)在欧洲 Over to you! [无线电通信] 请回答!
多余的, 过度的
~ imagination过度的想像力




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