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die[daɪ; dai](dy.ing[`da; 'daii])不及物动词1 a. < 人、动物> 死亡; < 植物、花> 枯萎~ for love [one's country]殉情[国]~ at one's post殉职~ in battle [an accident]战死, 阵亡 [死于意外事故]~ in poverty死于贫困中His father ~d in 1990.他的父亲于 1990 年逝世The old man is dying.那个老人正濒临死亡The flowers have ~d.那些花已枯萎(cf. dead) , 只有完成之意)I thought I should [would] have ~d.我 (当时) 以为我会死; 可笑 [好吃] 得要命 【同义字】■ die 死亡■ pass away[on]是 die 的委婉语■ decease die 委婉语, 也当法律用语■ perish 因天灾人祸而死亡 b. [因…而]死 [of, from, by, through]Mr. Black ~d of pneumonia today in. ( (美)the) hospital.布拉克先生因肺炎今天死于医院He ~d (of) laughing.他捧腹大笑He ~d from overwork.他死于工作过劳He ~d by violence [through neglect].他横死 [因疏忽而死]He ~d by his own hand.他自杀而死c. 死 < 于… (的状态) > He was born poor and ~d poor [but ~d rich].他生时贫穷, 死时也贫穷 [但死时富有]She ~d young.她早死He ~d a beggar.他乞讨而死 [他死时为乞丐]2 < 火> 熄灭; < 制度、记忆、名声等> 消失; < 声音、光线等> 变微弱This memory will never ~.这个记忆将永不消失Don't let the fire ~.不要使火熄灭The secret ~d with him.该秘密与他同逝 [他守密至死]3 [常 be dying] (口语)a. 很想要[…], 渴望, 盼望[for]I'm dying for a drink.我很想喝一杯b. 很想< 做…> , 渴望< 做…> She is dying to go on the stage.她渴望成为演员及物动词 [同源受词的 death 与修饰语连用] 死得像…, 死为…He ~d the death of a hero [~d a glorious death].他死得像个英雄 [他死得光荣]■ die away< 风> 逐渐平息, < 声音等> 渐渐消失■ die back< 植物> 从枝头枯萎(但根部仍活著)■ die down(1) < 声音、光线等> 逐渐消失; < 声音、暴风雨、兴奋等> 静下来; < 火势、火焰等> 变弱, 渐微The noisy conversation gradually ~d down.嘈杂的交谈声逐渐静下来(2) = DIE back■ die hard(1) 难断气(2) < 习惯、信仰等> 不易根绝■ die in one's bed→ bed■ die in one's boots[shoes]= die with one's boots[shoes]on横死, 猝死, 暴毙■ die off < 家族、种族等> 死绝; 相继死去; < 植物> 顺次枯死The buds are dying off.那些幼芽相继枯死■ die out(1) < 家族、人种等> (一个一个地) 死绝(2) < 风俗、习惯等> 逐渐废除(3) < 感情、事实等> 消失(4)< 火> 熄灭■ Never say die!别说丧气话; 别灰心; 不要悲观 |