

词汇 town
释义 town[taʊn; taun]《源自古英语“栅栏, 村庄”的意思》名词
1 (C)镇; 市; 城
a small ~小城镇
It is all over the ~.这件事传遍了央抑
2 [the ~] (对乡下、郊外而言的) 都市, 城镇; 镇 [市] 民们; 都市生活
I prefer the ~ to the country.我喜欢都市甚于乡下
3 [无冠词]
a. 首都; (正在被人们谈论的附近的) 主要城市
in ~在城里
out of ~下乡, 到乡下
come [go] (up) to ~进城, 到城里来[去]
b. (对郊区而言的) 市中心 [商业] 区, 闹市, 闹区
Mother has gone to ~ to do some shopping.母亲到闹区 [市中心区] 去买东西
He has his office in ~.他在城里有办公处
4 [the ~; 集合称]镇民, 市民
the talk of the ~街谈巷议
go to town
(1) → 3 a
(2)(口语) (挥霍) 玩闹, 花天酒地 (out) on the town
(尤指在晚上) 玩乐欢闹, 耽于欢乐 paint the town red
(口语)狂欢, 到处 [饮酒] 作乐 town and country
城镇的, 都市的
~ life都市生活




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