

词汇 fish
释义 fish[fɪʃ; fiʃ]名词(pl. ~, ~.es)
1 (C)鱼
catch a ~捉 [钓] 到一条鱼
catch a lot of ~捉 [钓] 到很多鱼
The boys were swimming in the pond like so many ~ [~es].那些男孩像鱼群似地在池塘里游泳
The best ~ smell when they are three days old.(谚)最好的鱼过三天也会臭 (任何稀客久留必惹人厌)
There are [is] as good ~ in the sea as ever came out of it.(谚)海里的鱼一定还有和捞上岸的一样好的
(失去好机会也别沮丧, 天涯何处无芳草)
2 (U)鱼肉, 鱼
(对于天主教徒或犹太教徒, 星期五是不吃兽肉的斋戒日 (fast day) , 因此也变成吃鱼的日子 (fish day) )
Do you like ~?.你喜欢吃鱼吗?
eat ~ on Fridays星期五 (斋戒日) 吃鱼 (代替肉)
→ FISH and chips.
3 (C)[常构成复合字]水产动物, 贝、甲壳类动物
→ shellfish, jellyfish.
4 (C)(口语.轻蔑) (脑筋迟钝或像鱼一样容易上钩受骗的) 人, 家伙
an odd [a queer] ~怪人
5 [the Fish (es) ; 当复数用] ‘天文’双鱼座 (Pisces) (as) drunk as a fish酩酊大醉, 烂醉如泥
(as) mute as a fish
默不作声 big fish in a little pond
(口语)在小圈子 [狭小世界] 中作威作福的人, 井底之蛙 drink like a fish
牛饮 feed the fishes
(1) 溺死, 葬身鱼腹
(2) 晕船呕吐 fish and chips
(英)炸鱼和薯条 have other fish to fry
(口语)另有要事要做 like a fish out of water
好像离水 [上岸] 的鱼, 情急势危 loaves and fishes
→loaf neither fish, flesh, fowl, nor good red herring
= neither fish, flesh nor fowl
= neither fish nor fowl
非驴非马, 不伦不类
A piece of poetic writing in prose, being neither fish nor fowl, is called a prose poem.一首用散文体写的诗, 不伦不类, (竟) 被称为散文诗
a pretty [fine, nice] kettle of fish → kettle不及物动词
1 a. 捕鱼, 钓鱼
go ~ing去钓鱼
b. 钓[鱼], 捕[鱼][for]
~ for trout钓 [捕] 鳟鱼
2 a. (口语)钓出, 诱出 [恭维话、巴结的话等] [for]
~ for a compliment诱使人说出恭维话
b. (若无其事地) 设法获得[…][for]
I ~ed for information by sending a letter of inquiry.我发出询问函设法探听消息
c. 搜出[东西][for]
He ~ed in his pocket for the key.他搜口袋想找出钥匙
1 a. 捕< 鱼> , 钓< 鱼>
~ trout钓鳟鱼
b. 在< 河川等> 钓[打]鱼
~ a pond在池塘钓鱼
2 [从水中等处] 捞起, 取出< 东西> , 将…拉上来< up> [out of, from]
A body was ~ed (up) out of the pond.从池塘中捞起了一具尸体
fish or cut bait
(美口语)明确地决定选择何者, 表明去留 fish in troubled waters
混水摸鱼, 趁火打劫 fish out
(1) 从 < 池、湖等> 中将鱼捕尽
(2) 自 [水中、怀里] 取出< 东西> , 拉出, 抽出[from]
She ~ed out some paper from her bag.她从袋中取出一些纸
(3) 探出 < 情报 、秘密等>




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