

词汇 likely
释义 like.ly[`laɪklɪ; ˈlaikli]形容词(more~, most~; like.li.er, -li.est)
1 a. 或有可能的
a ~ result可能的结果
the fugitive's most ~ hiding place逃亡者很可能藏匿的地方
the least ~ possibility几乎不可能有的事
b. 像真的, 煞有其事的
A ~ story! [常当讽刺用] 好像是真的 (故事) !说得倒像是真的!
2 a. 可能会< …> 的
He is ~ to come.他可能会来
It is ~ to be cold in November.十一月可能会冷起来
There's not ~ to be much traffic tonight.今晚交通不会很繁忙
b. 可能会有的
It is ~ (that) he will come.他可能会来
It is not ~ that he should have written it.他不可能写过那个东西
3 a. 适当的, 合适的
I called at every ~ house.我看遍了每栋合适的房子
b. 正适合于…的[for]
He looked a ~ man for the job.他看来是正适合那工作的人
c. 适合…的
I could not find any ~ place to fish near there.我在那附近未能找到适合钓鱼的地方
4 有前途的, 有希望的
a ~ young man有前途的青年
副词(more~, most~; like.li.er, -li.est)
大概, 很可能
She has most ~ lost her way.她很可能迷了路
He will very ~ be (at) home tomorrow.他明天大概会在家
(as) likely as not
大概, 多半, 或许
He'll fail, as ~ as not.他或许会失败
L~ as not, her estimate won't be very good.大概她的评估不很好
Not likely !




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