

词汇 press
释义 press[prɛs; pres]及物动词
1 (在表面加压力) 压, 按
a. 按 < 铃等> < down>
~ a button按钮; 按电铃
I ~ed (down) the accelerator (pedal).我踩下油门 (踏板)
b. 压平< 东西> ; 熨平< 衣服> , 用熨斗熨< 衣服>
have one's trousers ~ed (送去洗衣店等交由别人) 熨烫长裤
P~ the flower between the pages of your book.把那朵花压在你的书页间
c. 把< 东西> 压< 成…>
~ dough flat把生面团压平
d. 把…压[在…]< down> [on, against]; 把…塞入[…][to, into]
We ~ed ourselves against the wall.我们把身体靠墙贴紧
He ~ed his foot (down) on the brake pedal.他用脚踩下煞车板
She ~ed her fingers to her forehead.她用手指按前额
He ~ed a ten-dollar bill into my hand.他把一张十元美钞塞入我的手中
e.[~ one's way]挤进 (人群中等)
~ one's way through a crowd从人群中挤过去
2 握紧, 抱紧
a. 握紧 < 手>
~ a person's hand握紧某人的手
b. 把< 人等> 紧抱 [在怀里] [to]
He ~ed her to him [his side].他把她紧抱在怀里 [身边]
c. < 鞋子等> 挤压 < 脚趾等>
My shoes ~ my toes.我的鞋子挤压著我的脚趾
d. 压碎, 挤压, 压榨
~ grapes (为制葡萄酒而) 压榨葡萄
e.[由…]挤出, 榨出 [from, out of]
~ (the) juice from oranges由橘子挤出橘子汁来
~ (the) oil out of seeds由种子榨出油来
3 a. 用模子压制< 东西> ; 把…冲压加工
~ bricks把砖压型加工
b. (由原模) 压制, 复制 < 唱片>
4 a. 敦促< 某人> , 催, 强迫
It's no good ~ing him.催他是没用的
b. 一再地要求 [逼迫] < 某人> […事][for]
He is ~ing me for payment.他逼迫我付款
c. 逼迫< 某人> < 做…> , 强求, 力劝
We ~ed him to stay another week.我们力劝他再停留一周
5 a. 强迫接受< 意见等> ; 坚持, 强调
He has been ~ing the need for research into the problem.他强调调查该问题的必要性
b. 把…强加[于人]; 强迫[某人]接受[on, upon]
I won't ~ my opinion on you.我无意强迫你接受我的意见
She ~ed coffee on her guests.她一再地劝客人喝咖啡
c. 强行 < 攻击等>
~ an attack强袭
6 a. 使< 人> 陷入困境
b. [因没有金钱、时间、场所等而] 使< 人> 困窘, 使…苦恼不及物动词
1 压, 按
a. 按钮 [铃 (等) ]
P~ To Start.按钮即动
b. 压下[…], 踩下[…]< down> [on]
He ~ed down on the accelerator.他踩下油门
c. 熨烫d. < 布料> 烫起来 (…)
This cloth ~es well.这块布料好烫
e. 挤[在…][on, against]; 挤向[…], 蜂拥[到…] [to, toward, around, round]
People ~ed toward [around, round] the baseball player.人们挤向那个棒球选手 [人们挤在那个棒球选手的周围]
Something hard ~ed against his arm.某种硬物压著他的手臂
f. 推挤而进, 突进, 急行
I ~ed through the crowd.我从人群中推挤而进
P~ on [forward].赶紧向前走, 奋勇前进, 赶上去
g. 推进[工作等] < on, forward> [with]
He ~ed on with his work.他加紧工作
2 < 鞋子等> 挤压, 紧
These shoes ~.这双鞋子太紧
3 (口语)迫切, 紧迫
(cf. pressing 1)
Time ~es.时间紧迫
4 逼迫[…], 催促[for]
She is ~ing for payment [an answer].她在催付款 [答覆]
5 压迫[…], 重压< down> [on, upon]
The responsibility ~es heavily upon me.该责任沉重地压在我的身上
Anxiety ~ed down on us.我们忧心忡忡, 我们深感焦虑
press home
(1) 把< 东西> 塞满
(2) 尽量利用 < 有利的立场>
(3) 强行 < 攻击等>
(4) 极力主张 < 论点等>
He ~ed home upon me the vital importance of my work.他对我极力强调我的工作极为重要
1 [a ~]压, 按; 握紧
a ~ of the hand手的一握
Give the button a slight ~.轻轻按钮
2 (口语)
a. (C) (衣服的) 熨烫b. (U)烫过 [熨平] 的状态
My trousers are out of ~.我的长裤没有熨烫
3 (C)[常构成复合字]压榨机, 压缩器; 冲床
a wine [cider] ~葡萄 [苹果] 压汁机
a trouser ~裤子熨平器
4 (U)群众, 人群; 拥挤, 杂沓[of]
get lost in the ~在人群中迷失
the ~ of people人群的拥挤
5(U)压迫, 迫切; 繁忙[of]
the ~ of business [one's daily life]事业 [日常生活] 的繁忙
The ~ of many duties keeps me busy.许多职责使我繁忙
6(C) (常指嵌入墙壁中的) 橱柜; 壁橱; 书架B
1 a. (U)[常 the ~]印刷 (术)
in ( (英)the) ~ 印刷中
off the ~已印好, 已出版 [发行]
send [go] to (the) ~送去印刷, 付印
correct the ~校对
b. (C)印刷机
a printing ~印刷机
c. (C)[常 P~]印刷厂; 出版社, 发行机构
the Oxford University P~牛津大学出版部
2 a. 出版物; 新闻, 杂志
freedom [liberty] of the ~出版的自由
Should we divulge the fact to the ~?.我们该向报社 (记者) 揭发该事实吗?
b. (U)[常 the ~; 集合称]新闻记者, 新闻界
The President met the ~.总统接见新闻记者
The ~ is [are] concerned about this matter.新闻界都关心这件事
c. [a ~; 与修饰语连用] (出现于报纸、杂志上的) 批评, 评论
His drama had a good ~.他的戏剧获得报章杂志的好评
press of sail [canvas]‘航海’吃满风的帆




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