

词汇 pose
释义 pose[poz; pouz]名词
1 (C) (为拍照、画肖像等摆出的) 姿态, 姿势
2 摆样子, 做作的态度, 假装
Idetest ~.我憎恶装模作样
Everything he says is only a ~.他所说的一切只是假装而已
1 < 人、模特儿等> [为…]摆出姿态[for]
She ~d for her portrait [for the painter].她为画像而摆姿势 [摆姿势给画家画]
2 a. 装模作样, 装腔作势
b. 装< 作…> , 假装< 为…>
He ~d as an authority on that subject.他以那个问题的权威自居
1 [为拍照、绘画而] 使< 人> 摆好姿势
The artist ~d me on a sofa.那个画家使我在沙发上摆好姿势
The group was well ~d for the photograph.那一群人为拍照而摆好姿势
2 a. < 人> 提出 < 问题、要求等>
Three problems must be ~d here.有三个问题必须在这里提出
b. < 某人> 向< 他人> 提出 < 问题、要求等> ; [向某人]提出 < 问题、要求等> [to]
He ~d us a difficult question. = He ~d a difficult question to us.他向我们提出一个难题
3 a. < 事、物> 引起< 问题等>
The increased cost of living ~d many problems.生活费的增加引起许多问题
b. < 事、物> 带给< 人> < 问题等> ; [给人]带来< 问题等> [for]
The situation ~d us a new problem. = The situation ~d a new problem for us.那种情势给我们带来新的问题




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