

词汇 any
释义 an.y[`ɛnɪ; ˈeni]形容词
1 a. 任何一个…, 不论哪个[位]…, 随便哪个[位]…
A~ child knows that.任何一个孩子都知道
You may call ~ day you please.随便哪一天来都可以
A~ plan is better than no plan.任何计画都比没有计画好
Choose ~ books you like.你喜欢什么书, 就挑什么书
b. [~ number [amount, length, quantity] of﹍] 不论多少的…, 无限的…
He has ~ amount of money.他要多少钱就有多少钱
2 [ (轻读) n; ni; (重读) `n; 'eni]
a. (无) 任何的…, (没有) 什么的…, (没有) 一点 [一些, 丝毫] 的…
He doesn't have ~ books [money].他一本书 [一点钱] 也没有
There isn't ~ sugar.一点糖都没有了
b. (没有) 任何一个的…, (没有) 任何一位的…
He doesn't have ~ book.他一本书也没有
There isn't ~ bookstore near here.这附近一家书店也没有
Any man who tells a lie cannot be trusted.任何一个说谎的人都不能受到信赖
3[ (轻读) n; ni; (重读) `n; 'eni]
a. 些许的…, 几个的…
Do you have ~ money with you?.你身上有钱吗?
Did you buy ~ things in the supermark?.你在超级市场可有买到什么东西?
b. 什么的, 任何的, 哪一个的, 哪一位的
Is there any person for the task?.有可以担任这工作的人吗?
Is there ~ hospital in this town?.这城镇可有什么医院?
1 任何一个[位], 不论什么 (人) , 不论哪一个, 不论多少
He does better than ~ before him.他比前面几位做得都好
A of these is long enough.这些当中的任何一个都够长
2 (无) 任何物, (无) 任何人; (无) 丝毫
I don't want ~ (of these).我不要 (这些当中的) 任何一个
It isn't known to ~.这件事没有任何人知道
3 任何一个[位], 有何, 有谁, 些许, 多少
Choose ~ of these ball pens.你可以在这些原子笔中选一枝
Do ~ of you know his address?.你们当中有谁知道他的地址?
if any → if not having [taking] any
(1)(口语)绝对不要 (牵涉到某事或跟某人打交道等) , 才不要, 绝对不干
She's too officious. I am not having ~.她太好管闲事了, 我才不要 (跟她打交道) 呢
(2)(美口语) [用以婉谢别人请用饮料或食品等] (谢谢你, ) 不要 [不想] 吃了
Thank you, but I'm not having any.谢谢你, 我不想吃
1[ (重读) `n; 'eni; (轻读) n; ni] [通常与比较级或 different, too 连用]
a. 丝毫 (没有…) , 毫 (无[不]…) , 一点也 (不…)
I can't ske ~ too all.我一点也不会滑雪
The language he used wasn't ~ too strong.他的措辞一毫不过火
b. 一些, 略微, 稍微
Is your mother ~ better today?.你母亲今天好些了吗?
If he is ~ better, ﹍.如果他好些, …
2 [修饰动词] (美口语)一点, 稍微, 略微
I didn't hurt myself ~.我一点儿也没有受伤
Did you sleep ~ last night?.你昨晚有没有稍睡片刻?
any longer
再, 再久一些
I don't drink ~ longer?.我不再喝酒了
I cannot stay here ~ longer.我不能再留在这里了
any more
不再, 已经不, 现在不,
I will not do so ~ more.我不再这么做了




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