

词汇 design
释义 de.sign[dɪ`zaɪn; diˈzain]《源自拉丁文“划分出”的意思》及物动词
1 制作 < 绘画等> 的草图, 打图样; 设计 < 建筑图案、衣服式样等>
~ a dress设计女装
~ a garden [stage sets]设计庭园 [舞台布景]
2 a. 计画, 筹画; 起草
The author ~ed a good plot.作者构思了一个好情节
b. 打算< 做…>
He ~ed to be a lawyer.他打算当律师
3 a. 打算让…[做…][for]
His father ~s him for the ministry.他父亲打算让他任神职
(cf. 3b)
This plot is ~ed for a garden.这块土地被圈定为庭园用地
b. 打算使…< 去做…>
His father ~s him to be a minister.他父亲打算让他当牧师
(cf. 3a)
The slogan was ~d to arouse the people.该标语是为唤醒国民而拟定的
c. 把…预定< 作为…>
This book is ~d as a textbook.这本书预定作为教科书用
设计; [为特定商店、公司等] 构思,
制作图案, 打图样[for]
She ~s for a firm of dressmakers.她为一家女服饰店设计图样
1 (U) (机器、建筑等的) 设计; 构思
machine ~机器设计
the art of ~设计术
2 (C)图案, 草图, 素描; 设计图; 图样, 雏型
a ~ for an advertisement广告图案
a vase with a ~ of roses (on it)有玫瑰图案的花瓶
3 a. (C)计画, 目的, 意图[for]
(→ plan【同义字】)b. [~s]阴谋, 企图, 野心[on, upon, against]
have ~s on [upon, against]﹍ 对…有野心[企图]
have [harbor] ~s against a person拟谋害某人
by design
有目的[计画]地, 故意地




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