

词汇 bed
释义 bed[bɛd; bed]《源自拉丁文“挖洞”的意思; 因古时曾挖洞为睡眠处》名词
1 (C)床, 卧床
a room with two single ~s [with a double ~] (旅馆的) 有两张单人床的 [有一张双人床的] 房间
a ~ of sickness病床, 病榻
sit on the ~坐在床上
lie on one's ~ (为了睡午觉等而) 躺卧在床上
get out of ~起床, 下床
be [lie] in ~ with influenza因流行性感冒躺卧 [病倒] 在床上
sit up in ~在床上 (从被窝里) 坐起来
You can't have breakfast in ~.你不可以在床上吃早餐
2 (U)就寝 (时间)
one's usual hour for ~平常的就寝时间
have a drink before ~在睡觉前喝一杯
3 (U)
a. 婚姻, 夫妻关系b. (口语)性关系, 性交
4 (C)
a. 住宿, 就宿
get a ~ at an inn [a hotel]在客栈 [旅馆] 里住宿
b. (文语)坟墓
one's narrow ~ (某) 一个人的坟墓
a ~ of honor阵亡将士之墓
5(C) (牛马的) 铺草窝
a ~ of hay铺乾草的窝
a. 底座, 基座
a ~ of concrete混凝土的基座
b. 炮座c. (卡车的) 装货台
a. 苗床, 花坛, 花圃→ flower bed.b. (牡蛎等的) 养殖场→ oyster bed.
8(C)河床, 矿床, 海底, 湖底
→ riverbed.
9(C)地层; 层
a ~ of clay黏土层
10(C)路基 a bed of thorns [nails]
(口语)针毡, 痛苦的处境 be brought to bed
(文语.古)生小孩[of] be brought to ~ of a son
生男孩 be confined to one's bed
= keep (to) one's BED bed and board
(1) 住宿和餐食, 食宿
(2) 寝食与共, 夫妻生活
separate ~ and board < 夫妻> 分居
bed and breakfast
(英)= b and [& ] b bed of roses
(口语)十分安乐的境地[生活] repose on a ~ of roses
The life of a policeman is no ~ of roses.警察生涯绝非安逸舒适
die in (one's) bed
(口语)病 [老] 死, 寿终正寝 get out of bed on the wrong side
= get out of [get up on] the wrong side of the bed(口语)从早上开始终日心情不好 go to bed
(1) 就寝
(2) 同床 (睡觉) , 同衾, 同房[with] keep (to) one's bed
卧病在床 leave one's bed
下床, 起床 make a [one's, the] bed
(起床后) 整理 [收拾] 床铺; 铺床
As you make your ~, so you must lie upon it. = One must lie in [on] the ~ one has made.(谚)自作自受; 自食其果
make up a bed
[为客人] 准备床[for] put﹍to bed
(1) 使< 人> 睡, 将< 婴儿> 放到床上使睡觉
(2) 将 < 排成的版> 放上印刷机准备印刷; 将…付印 take to one's bed
病倒, 卧病 wet the [one's, its] bed
< 小孩等> 尿床
及物动词(bed.ded; bed.ding)
1 供< 人> 床铺
2 a. 使< 人> 睡
b. (口语) (为了性交) 使< 人> 上床
3 a. 为 < 人、马等> 铺床 [铺草窝] , 使…卧 [睡] < down>
b. 为< 马等> 铺草窝, 使…卧 [睡] [在稻草上] < down> [with]
The man bedded down his horse with straw.那个人使马卧在稻草上
4 a. 将…移植于花坛 [苗圃] 内 < out, in>
~ out geraniums把天竺葵移植花坛内
~ seedlings (in)种苗木 (于…)
b. 种…[于…][in]
These tulips should be bedded in rich soil.这些郁金香应该种在肥沃的土壤里
5 a. 平放, 砌, 分层叠置 < 石块、砖瓦等>
b. 将…嵌入[…中] [in, behind]
Stones are bedded in mortar or concrete.用灰泥或水泥砌石块
The mikes were bedded behind the wallpaper.麦克风装在壁纸的背后
c. [~ oneself]嵌[在…中], 埋[in]
The bullet has bedded itself in the wall.子弹嵌在墙壁中
1 卧, 睡< down>
Early to ~ and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.(谚)早睡早起身体好, 财滚滚, 脑精明
2 (口语)同床 (睡觉) , 同衾, 同房< down> [with]




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